Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [verb] to [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , discharges frequently run from septic tanks in the grounds of country cottages , many of whose occupants are old people who have the sympathies of field men , since most of them are believed to be badly off .
2 I think I am beginning to be very much afraid of what Raynor is taking me to .
3 ‘ I will never stir from your side , when I am suffered to be near you .
4 I am trying to be as kind as possible to the Minister .
5 I am considered to be fairly outgoing but as a teenager I was painfully shy .
6 I am going to be away Thurs–Sun this week ( Roland , my brother , is getting married and I 'm to be bridesmaid ) but perhaps you would n't mind giving me a ring sometime ?
7 I thought if I am going to be out of work , I might as well make some cash out of it .
8 I am going to be less particular , but I 've got to find some paper first .
9 The curator , John Elderfield , muses on the rival reputations of Matisse and Picasso and suggests that Matisse 's real influence has yet to make itself felt : ‘ I am going to be very interested to see whether this exhibition will have an effect on contemporary painting ’
10 I am going to be very interested to see whether this exhibition has an influence on contemporary painting .
11 Next year I am going to be very active in the theatre and I 've already this morning , sown the seed er for possibly er giving a particular performance er of one of the plays in this particular season I 'm going to do er for Save The Children Fund and I 've said
12 At one point North suddenly remarked , ‘ Well , I 'm not worried , soon I am going to be back commanding a Marine battalion .
13 I 'm going out tonight so I 'm trying to be well today .
14 ‘ Matthew , I 'm trying to be very understanding and modern about this , but I want you to realize that for women of my generation , it 's difficult to accept the prevailing mores . ’
15 I 'm trying to be very good but er I can only so much of that !
16 In fact , I 'm looking to be back against Coventry on Wednesday night . ’
17 I 'm beginning to be quite confident that we were right , though it will be some years before we can be really certain we 've made the breakthrough .
18 Of course , one has to be careful in this context to recognise that many of the infractions I 'm referring to are not necessarily offences AGAINST others — but represent errors of performance , imperfections which reflect badly on the offender — so that one undertakes remedial work , NOT for the purpose of making amends but to re-draw the picture of oneself so that it corresponds more closely to the one which one would like to project to the world at large .
19 I 'm goin' to be all by meself again ? ’ asked Dolly , her hair flooding the pillow with auburn .
20 ’ I have n't been on the stage for a long time , so I 'm bound to be as nervous as a kitten before I go on .
21 I 'm encouraged to be more open and vulnerable with you when you … ’
22 that in one or two weeks time I 'm going to be thin I 'm going to be slightly mixed up .
23 ‘ However , in the meantime I 'm going to be badly in need of some professional help , ’ Laura told him urgently .
24 And I said to him — we had a fairly frank relationship — I said , ‘ Listen , Ron , I 'm going to be here tomorrow , and you 're not ; and I 've got to be comfortable . ’
25 I 'm going to be here for the rest of your life . ’
26 Well , I 'm going to be on
27 I 'm going to be away increasingly in the next few years .
28 Look , Folly — I 'm going to be pretty tied up for the rest of the day .
29 From now on I 'm going to be more careful . ’
30 ‘ I did my medial ligaments against Swindon last Thursday and I 'm going to be out for two or three weeks at the very least .
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