Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] he [verb] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As he told me that he had killed perhaps ten , eleven or twelve people during the course of the war .
2 My surgeon had told me that he had taken out all he could find .
3 He began to tell me the difficulties of his life at home , and finally he told me that he had tried more than once to find a home with another brother or sister , but they had persuaded him to return to Cis and Elfed .
4 gentleman came to this house it seemed to be that he challenged the establishment and many of us welcomes that view it seemed to give a breath of fresh air , but now it seems to me that he 's become entirely institutionalised , can he explain that to the house ?
5 Fraser McLuskey kindly confirmed my belief that Leslie had indeed been in ‘ A ’ Squadron — it was with them that the Padre had dropped into France , and with them that he had carried out his ministry deep behind enemy lines .
6 ‘ It would n't have surprised me if he had sat up and shouted ‘ Geronimo ’ as he went , ’ he said .
7 An acquaintance of mine arrived some weeks later to be told that he could have them if he had turned up sooner .
8 ‘ You ca n't solve Ireland 's problems with a gun , ’ their father had told them and he had repeated so often the words of Archbishop Paul Cullen , one of Ireland 's great clerics , that they were still fresh in Father Brendan 's mind .
9 But he 's got to strip the bonnet so Dave said well I 'll get my lad to strip the bonnet this afternoon and er you know , few hundred quid for the day we 'll be glad to be able to finish off doing them and He 's got too many
10 need to re-look at how we Because he 's mentioned straight away , as soon as he was in the mire
11 Mr. Gilberd instructed the defendant to confirm with the bank that the cheque was acceptable , and the defendant later told him that he had done so and that such a cheque was ‘ as good as cash . ’
12 For , by Monday 10 December , on the same day that Birkenhead told Derby of the plot , Baldwin saw the King and told him that he had decided not to resign .
13 It seemed to him that he had come so far in discovering so much about his problem but was unable to bring about any substantial change .
14 The victim had been told , while in trance , that the word would remind him that he had come out without his trousers !
15 ‘ In Gloucestershire at their kennels and smallholding ? ’ he questioned , causing her to warm to him that he had remembered so much .
16 The teacher used to come in and take him and he got fed up of it 'cause he could n't get on with his other work .
17 She had given him no answer but had stared at him and he had come back quickly , saying , ‘ That was a daft thing to say ; you always manage . ’
18 I could n't help thinking she was like a racehorse , and when Ward started questioning her , she answered him with such haughty condescension , such arrogance , that his face went white and I swear he 'd have play-acted the Gorbals slum kid and thrown a lot of four-letter words at her if he 'd known how to do it in Spanish .
19 I asked her if he 'd returned home and she told me to mind my own business .
20 She had the knack of handling him if he got worked up about the posing , she knew how to quieten him down , and this ability to put up with his disagreeable side could only mean one thing , he reasoned .
21 Smallfry had forgotten to warn him because he had done so many bad things and caused a lot of trouble .
22 But an intimate dinner at the château was another matter altogether — because this would be the first time she 'd as much as set eyes on him since he 'd walked away from her outside this very room on that awful night .
23 First Benny had turned her back on him in public and told him to go home without her after he had driven up especially to collect her .
24 ‘ I just hope we can catch up with him before he gets knocked down by a car or finds his way off the roads into open countryside or woodland where it will be harder to find him . ’
25 His mother Edith was the first to see him after he 'd staggered home .
26 ‘ Oh , how kind ! ’ she exclaimed , and felt inordinately pleased that Ven had given a thought to her before he had gone away .
27 She was wise enough to understand , now that her fear was leaving her , that it was Dr Neil 's very real concern which had made him so sharp with her when he had found out who it was he had rescued .
28 She had whored him as he had whored so many .
29 She could n't finish because that would be pushy if she admitted she expected him to ask her to stay with him as he had done once before .
30 Was he going to ruin him as he had threatened before ?
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