Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] you [vb base] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , Could I also just quickly comment on the differences between columns H and I that you 've referred to .
2 You 've got ta give him hundred for yours and you 've got ta give him hundred for yours !
3 Because I when you do think about the word then you leave some of the letters out .
4 ‘ At least tell me that you have come to no harm in your adventuring , ’ he said , and , wonderfully , his voice was pleading .
5 Yeah it 's lovely , some money 's worth there , I think me and you have paid for that car
6 Please do contact me if you want to talk about any of these points .
7 I think its possible to fall in love with the same person more than once , you fall in love with them and you get married for that as well as other reasons perhaps , and then you have children and you hardly see them really for the next ten years , at least this is what every one sort of understands and then and then erm and then when you have more time again you can fall in love all over again with exactly the same person , I think this happens to lots of people , which also does n't happen to a lot of people so you have n't
8 I mean w with stamps at least you can look at them and you know go over them
9 I do n't wan na get carpets without you with me cos you have to live with them as well .
10 But do n't sort of back away from them try and to , to work with them cos you 've got ta , you 've got ta get the two , the two together .
11 But how many of these companies forget about you once you 've signed on the dotted line .
12 And the other thing I was going to ask was you that you 've appealed on the planning application .
13 Father , we thank you that you continue to work in the lives of our fellow believers , restoring health and strength to the sick , comforting those who are sad , supporting those who are lonely .
14 I just want to briefly introduce this , I do n't want to speak in any great , we have had a long debate in house do you if you wish to engage in a long debate again in view of the time tonight .
15 planning applications and er er items relating to Poor Lane , er and also the traffic on Station Road later on , er I think it 's rather complicated to talk about all of these at at one go , because I know er different members of the public have come for different reasons and perhaps , for the moment , I 'll not ask for any comments about Mr Smith 's proposals on Poor Lane , er nor er comments about Station Road , er but I will ask you if you want to refer to planning applications , er we have three planning applications , one is to extend the car park behind the pub , one is for a change of plan to one of the houses on the development adjacent to us , er and the third one is er er the plans submitted by Grant Development at Thorney , erm , I suspect most comments will be about the last , er perhaps I should ask first if anybody wants to make any comments about proposals behind the reindeer in , or at Chapel cottage site , does anybody , er in the public want to mention those erm , well we will go on to the one at Thorney then , and you 're Mr Walker ?
16 It does n't cover the tubes , but it does inform you if you have to go via the Underground to get to your destination .
17 ‘ Such as going back to the house and making love to you until you start begging for mercy . ’
18 Could you please make these adjustments for the next matrix list which I realise will not be for some time and , in fact , by that time Karen will be off on maternity leave but I leave it to you whether you want to slot in Joan and Jane for that period .
19 I shall go to him to tell him that you want to speak to him personally and do not want to tell anybody else the reason .
20 If you 've got some new material on him that you want to share with us , I 'm more than happy to arrange another lecture for you later in the term , but frankly , as you 've apparently given the same lecture on him for the past ten years , I can hardly be accused of interfering with academic freedom , can I ? ’
21 Monkou , who has kept both Wright and his England partner Alan Shearer quiet inside a fortnight , said : ‘ It 's always physical against him and you need to look after yourself — but I 'm big enough .
22 ‘ You must only have been infatuated with him if you 've got over him so quickly , ’ remarked Betty repressively .
23 You must promise that you will show it to him as you have done to me . ’
24 right , cos they 'll not likely to say the money , they 'll just sit and look at you , right , and anyway you wan na find out exactly what their problem is , so before they even get the chance to say the money , you say to them , just erm , you know , just er make it clear to me what is it that you want to think about , is it the design of the windows ?
25 That 's a good example of how much hearing Clarence White influenced me ; it 's pretty tough to do and it 's rough on the fingers , but you can do it if you keep working at it .
26 And then , when you find they say it in the fourth year , they mean it and you begin to look at yourself and realize what colour you are .
27 I doubt that she 'll do it until you 've got through your exams
28 Well you 're , you 're not bloody suitable for it cos you keep getting under my bloody feet !
29 You 'll cope with it but you 've got ta buy , your moonboots we should be able to get the market Jill said around , I mean we can get them in cash and carry for nine ninety nine but we should be able to get them at Blackbushe market for five to six ninety nine .
30 And er Alan keeps saying , you can do it but you have to wait to the next programme coming through and I specifically asked for Liz to put it on .
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