Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [noun] [conj] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 So far radicalism both in defining lawyers as controllers of individual clients and in defining them as controllers because of the ideological discourse which they sell has reached a position from which only negative statements can be made : lawyers do n't help , they control ; professionalism does not protect clients , it defeats them .
2 The Beastline were interested in all she could tell them of Tara and of the exiled Court .
3 It we he phoned at it was , it was five to six , Jim was going to take me to aerobics because of the weather
4 A visionary at Much Wenlock , on the testimony of Boniface , proclaimed in Ceolred 's lifetime that the angels surrounding him had withdrawn their protective shield and abandoned him to demons because of the multitude of crimes he had committed .
5 ‘ The fish do n't seem to associate it with danger because of the very fine diameter of each strand , but also because of its weightlessness and extreme softness .
6 I am not going to go into it in detail because of the pressure of time .
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