Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [noun] [conj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Abbot Wulfsige , killed at the battle of Assandun , was according to the twelfth-century Ramsey chronicle succeeded by a German , Wythman , who quarrelled with the monks and accused them of disobedience and negligence of monastic discipline before the diocesan bishop .
2 They remained fearful of the opening of any loophole that would more easily expose them to fraud or abuse of the credit they had extended in good faith .
3 She hoped that she would not disgrace herself by fainting , or by being unable to help him through fear or disgust of what she might be seeing .
4 If one were starting a fast-food outlet aimed at selling sausages of various sorts and sizes prepared in different ways , it is unlikely that one would wish to open one 's new premises under the name of the proprietor ; ‘ Alan Pannett 's Sausage Cafe ’ , for instance , hardly has an impressive ring about it for marketing and promotion of this new product and business venture .
5 ‘ How many people have referred to it as theatre or television of the mind ?
6 Another brother , Brian , 27 , added : ‘ She took it as part and parcel of the job .
7 Together with informality , this recognition permeates these firms ; they draw upon local knowledge , seek it out , cherish it , and consciously accept their dependence on it as part and parcel of the open , participative culture they strive to maintain .
8 ‘ If Ossie had been sacked a few days later , I would have accepted it as part and parcel of football .
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