Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adj] for [pron] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Their long-lived presence made it possible for them to act as a kind of semi-permanent critique of newer cultural trends .
2 He admired Jotan 's detachment , and concluded that it was the lack of direct involvement which made it possible for him to behave as if nothing had occurred which could be the source of concern .
3 His acceptance of what he calls ‘ the doctrine of the manyness of reality ’ , by which he probably means that reality can be conceived of in many different ways , makes it possible for him to approve of the non-creative aspect of God as propounded by the Jains , and the creative aspect of God as propounded by Rāmānuja the foremost exponent of the Viśi ādvaita position .
4 In certain cases , the Government will guarantee most of a loan , which makes it possible for us to lend in circumstances where we would ordinarily not do so .
5 If we know how horses communicate , it not only makes it easier for us to understand them and look after them , but it also makes it possible for us to communicate with them more satisfactorily .
6 The audiocassette and the videocassette have made it possible for us to have at hand and easily transport unlimited numbers of programmes in voice and vision , whether for instruction or entertainment , for a more complete understanding of news and information , or for the appreciation of beauty and artistry .
7 By a process of ‘ abstraction ’ , moreover , it was possible for these general notions to be ‘ impressed ’ on our minds or intellects , thus making it possible for us to think in terms of them .
8 ‘ You find it odd for me to talk of fate , neh ? ’
9 Obviously , the volume of data by making notes and by taperecording that I acquired made it sensible for me to concentrate on the one school rather than the other .
10 This , she thought , would make it easier for them to cope with a very traumatic situation .
11 ‘ Because arriving with you makes it easier for me to leave with you — to take you home , Maria . ’
12 The more manageable numbers make it easier for us to relate to one another .
13 ‘ Because arriving with me will make it easier for you to leave with me ? ’
14 I understand that the electronic intarsia carriage selects the needles for only one colour at a time to the intarsia position , making it easy for you to lay in the appropriate colour .
15 Did that make it easy for you to talk to him ?
16 This leaflet is intended to make it easy for you to comment on our service and it outlines the procedures which are available to you .
17 The vicious personal attack on him by Ernets Bevin and his humiliating defeat made it impossible for him to remain as leader .
18 It can also in effect make it impossible for them to participate in the community and thus deprives them of an important aspect of citizenship .
19 This , however , makes it impossible for them to feed during the larval stage , as free-swimming tadpoles can do , so they have to nourish themselves with specially large quantities of yolk .
20 The small number of area health board staff working on the schools ' programmes makes it impossible for them to cater for individual classroom visits .
21 Safety experts say such cars should have their engines regulated to make it impossible for them to travel at speeds far above legal limits .
22 On food safety , my hon. Friend will be aware of the crippling effect of veterinary inspection charges on chicken-producing companies such as John Rannoch and Sovereign Chicken in my constituency , which are making it impossible for them to compete with their European counterparts .
23 A dozen or more examples of the soulboy 's discourse have made it impossible for us to listen to virtually any ‘ black ’ record with any real pleasure , without ghastly phrases like ‘ pride and dignity ’ popping into our heads .
24 The vulnerability of minor revenue officials to demotion or removal made it imperative for them to remain on good terms with men of influence able to mar their careers , and shortly after his clash with the provost of Inverkeithing Main made his peace with the Cunningham family .
25 The relentless struggle of the workers against unemployment and hunger in times of peace as in times of war makes it vital for them to organise for the overthrow of the capitalist system and for the establishment of the Socialist Commonwealth .
26 I hope it will work but I have found that his natural impetuousness and importunity make it difficult for him to stick to any procedure !
27 Although his cold manner made it difficult for me to talk to him , I had to ask him whether he had found any employment for me .
28 Her husband 's jealous nature made it difficult for her to talk to any of the customers for very long without him questioning her , and it was becoming worse lately .
29 It was announced that Mrs Ann Lucas has resigned as Minutes Secretary since her new job makes it difficult for her to travel from Aberystwyth for committee meetings .
30 It is useful for those of us who worry that hearing other opinions and listening to other people may weaken our case , or make it difficult for us to concentrate on our own determined agenda .
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