Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adj] [verb] [prep] [det] other " in BNC.

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1 You all look after each other .
2 Dickens has been very clever to intertwine all these aspects and ideas , and to make them all relate to each other , in the one central character , Pip , and the other central characters around Pip are basically just extra ingredients to make the plot work .
3 This had them all looking at each other .
4 Certainly , there is a basic mind structure in humans which we all recognize in each other while noting the absence of its full expression in other creatures .
5 Unlike children , very old people do not have common ‘ norms of development ’ which can be used as quite a precise yardstick in the appraisals we all make of each other .
6 What will we all say to each other when we meet in the hall ?
7 I squeeze between a pleasant-looking , well-built car repairer called Bob and an enormously furry small-businessman who 's name I fail to ascertain , and we all smile at each other .
8 They all looked at each other .
9 They all watched the door as it opened and Donald 's face poked round the edge , and then they all looked at each other and they all thought the same thought : Now ?
10 St John gave them the letter to read , and then they all looked at each other , smiling rather tiredly .
11 Pale with fright , they all stared at each other .
12 You will learn about how they all depend on each other and about how the destruction of any one of them can have far reaching consequences .
13 And if they all spied on each other all the time the great thing , the only thing , which would , could , make life tolerable was to pretend that they did n't .
14 Certainly each inhabits its own world , and they all differ from each other .
15 They all glanced at each other in dismay .
16 They both glanced at each other before saying , ‘ Yes ’ together , and when the supervisor said , ‘ Oh , one will do , ’ Maggie on a tired laugh said , ‘ It 's all or nothing . ’
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