Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] me [verb] [subord] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You remember you asked me to see if I could find out who it was that had sent that news item about Leila in to Al-Liwa . ’
2 You want me to see if I can find Mick do n't you ?
3 Lucy had looked at her aunt in puzzled silence before saying , ‘ No doubt I could find this place — but what on earth do you expect me to do when I get there ? ’
4 Oh I 'll show you that letter you told me to read cos I got a here .
5 One day she rang me to ask if I could come along on Saturday and help plant potatoes in the back yard ; ‘ Uncle John is far too busy at this time of the year ’ .
6 She wanted me to stay as I was , the way she had created me .
7 They made me wonder if I could use pure woven wool as a base for my own technique with the machine .
8 The three weeks that I was in the scheme for — they trained me to see if I could do the job properly , they were able to see what I 'd be like when I was doing the job .
9 He made me feel like I was mad .
10 I did n't know till the next we er till the weekend and he made me know as I 'd swore .
11 ‘ It is so sad what happened and it made me cry when I read her story but she is a remarkable woman . ’
12 ‘ It is so sad what happened and it made me cry when I read her story but she is a remarkable woman . ’
13 On this occasion he had , after the expenditure of many millions , built a refinery in Newfoundland , and he telephoned me to ask whether I could persuade Winston Churchill to come to the grand opening .
14 This is good , because it gives me control when I make my appointments .
15 He had me educated so I could speak for the Romanies of today — and of the future .
16 It makes me cringe when I think how stupid I was .
17 When I see Rachel 's trembling face it makes me gasp like I 've been hit .
18 She said er it makes me wonder if I 'd left my purse in the car if it had of been our car that might have been dumped .
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