Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] been [adv] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I 'd been out with friends for the evening and got home late .
2 I 'd been everywhere in books : I read a lot about exotic places .
3 Arriving , triumphant , in Ulm in the late afternoon , I had within half an hour found the worst hotel I had been in in years , with the modest staff and a parking ticket to boot .
4 ‘ It 's not that early — I 've been up for ages , and I 'm leaving in a few minutes .
5 Yeah , you 're gon na have one in a minute I 've been up for ages !
6 I 've been here for years and this is the first conversation I 've had with a human for simply ages .
7 I 've been out with , I 've been out with loads
8 But it wo n't be that much because I 've been out of things for the last year and before that I had shut my eyes anyway .
9 Oh , first time I 've been out in years on a Friday .
10 ‘ Yes , I 've been out in fields hundreds o ’ times .
11 I have been here for decades untold in this court , never leaving it except in my mind , ranging to far stars yet never truly experiencing those elsewheres .
12 He said you 'd been out of sorts recently . ’
13 I found her bustling about with a feather duster looking as if she 'd been up for hours .
14 You 've been up for weeks now , have n't you ?
15 " You 've been away for ages , " she says .
16 " You 've been out for hours . "
17 ‘ Mind you , it 's no wonder she 's been out of sorts after that dreadful business at the tech … and Major Ford tittle-tattling all over the village . ’
18 She 's been there for months — it 's a long-term project …
19 Sometimes when we 'd been out to clubs Bernie would give me a lift home to my parents ' , right out in Greenford where we 'd moved just about the time I started keeping twilight hours .
20 We 've been pally for years Sadie .
21 We 've been so at odds the past few days … ’
22 It seems as though we have been away for years .
23 She told The European newspaper : ‘ We have not been neutrals : we have been more like accomplices . ’
24 they and er they 've been around for centuries of course but er erm there 's all sorts of myths about them some of which are half-truths and some which un-truths .
25 Mhm cos they 've been there for ages have n't they Mary do n't you think ?
26 She was sitting on the opposite side of the grate and Louise Carter thought fleetingly how proud Nora had always been of her daughter even when they had been dramatically at loggerheads and how pleased she would be if she could see her now , in her elegant black dress and silver jewellery .
27 Some refugees in the embassy gardens said they had been there for days , but had not boarded the sealed refugee trains travelling through East Germany to Bavaria .
28 Diamonds and rare jewels were strewn across the floor as if they had been there for millennia .
29 They are there ; they have been there for years .
30 Rocks look more natural if you bed them into the gravel slightly , as if they have been there for years .
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