Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] from the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Micro Focus plc this week is supposed to announce a new client/server OLTP Transaction System that will let customers emulate CICS and help them migrate from the mainframe to a client/server environment .
2 I wandered from the wheelwright to the harness-maker and the basket-weaver before entering the café .
3 ‘ In London I go from the room to the car quickly . ’
4 And every day I ran from the tube to the rehearsal room .
5 The skiing arrangement is simple : you take the cablecar from the bottom to the top , then you ski from the top to the bottom .
6 So I 'd suggest again that the sensible place to shout armed police is as soon as you enter because the fraction of a second between you getting from the hall to the bedroom is n't going to make any difference .
7 As she walked from the Underground to St Basil 's Terrace Ianthe noticed that curtains had appeared in the windows of the house nearly opposite to hers where the new arrival had moved in .
8 As you walked from the house to the sea , the sound of the wind in the trees became the sound of waves on the rocks .
9 This masterpiece lacks its head ; but if we look from the hawk-priestess to some marble heads of the later sixth century we see the beginning and end of the tradition in which it must have been made .
10 So when we walked from the pool to the car I felt the whole impact of the sun .
11 The picture does not really change if we turn from the Bible to those seals and bronzes from the Persian period with which the Archaeological Museums of Jerusalem have made us familiar .
12 If we go from the battery to the bulb , from the bulb to the meter
13 They moved from the galley to the main living area of the wherry .
14 They moved from the rug to the king-size bed for a second demonstration , after which they lay entwined .
15 They descend from the rectum to the internal anal sphincter and do not use the classical neurotransmitter substances , acetylcholine and noradrenaline .
16 Sore throats better for warm drinks , especially if they go from the right to the left side .
17 I caught the word ‘ Offizier ’ several times and occasionally they looked from the suitcase to me and back again .
18 How did they get from the palace to the ships ?
19 Nobody … nowhere … has ever seen so many Swindon fans before … and the Town players hearts must have thumping with pride as they emerged from the tunnel to be deafened by Wembley 's Wiltshire roar …
20 But the Football Association are unlikely to make a decision on his three-year reign until they return from the trip to America , and they may delay until the FA summer meeting in Bournemouth on June 26 .
21 It does n't sort of get to me nowadays , I 've learned to deal with prejudice , but in a funny kind of way , it 's helped me get from the bottom to the top .
22 He crept from the room to the shadowed corridor , tip-toed past the attic door to the little corner where the banister curved into the wall .
23 He may have found service under the Protectorate more congenial than that of the Commonwealth ; in 1653–4 he moved from the navy to the central executive , becoming assistant secretary and then clerk of Oliver Cromwell 's council and treasurer of the protector 's contingencies .
24 He tiptoed from the elevator to the apartment door with erotic wheezes .
25 I came down when my husband was working on the factory site then as I say , prior to us coming to live here this was had n't been even built so we 've seen it grow from the floor to what it is today , you know ?
26 However , solidification of an appreciable fraction of any such core can not have happened since the Mercurian surface as we now see it began to be created , because the volume shrinkage of iron when it passes from the liquid to the solid phase is so large that the amount of internal contraction of the Mercurian surface would be far in excess of that observed .
27 Well er in the River 's we we 've got a Rivers Authority Branch which is well a hundred and twenty , hundred and thirty strong that 's not a Northumberland branch , it stretches from the Tweed to the Humber I think but
28 Figure 5.7 is a schematic representation of the path of electromagnetic energy in the visible spectrum as it travels from the sun to the Earth and back again towards a sensor mounted on an orbiting satellite .
29 If it transpires from the answer to this requisition that such a memorandum should and will be endorsed , make a note there and then on your completion agenda to obtain a copy of it .
30 He looked from the overcoat to the grimy , torn green flannels and the scuffed brown shoes laced with uneven lengths of string , then felt in his pocket for the cigarettes he had bummed off a group of Swedish students in Bonn a few days earlier .
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