Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] to [noun] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise , the lawyers have to sort out things like what rights are retained by shareholders , access to new revisions , compensation plans , employment contracts , shared AT&T/USL patents , pension plans and whether USL employees still have a right to go back to work at AT&T , an enticement used to get them to go to USL in the first place .
2 Nevertheless , I got to Philadelphia in the end and received my medal .
3 I believe that the importance that I attach to tradition in the philosophy of art is implicit in The Story of Art .
4 In January 1962 I drove to Banbury in the snow , a few days in advance of my family and the general removal .
5 I listen to techno in the clubs , but never at home .
6 , and I flew to Agra in the evening , and were met by the British Council driver .
7 I talk to friends in the system and things seem to be going downhill !
8 Then I went to work in a five and ten , and gradually worked my way up until I was managing a general store .
9 ( Before I went to work in the morning I would take a bucket of water and a scrubbing brush and deal with the black-and-white chequered marble shop doorstep — in my memory it is a glittering affair , although cold on frosty mornings — because at that time of the day the rising sun often shone full down the High Street where we lived and on me , as I knelt on the cobbled pavement plying my scrubbing-brush . )
10 I grew up wanting not so much money as glamour , and when I left school at 15 I went to work in the department store , Bourne & Hollingsworth .
11 ‘ I was in the house until Chris arrived around ten , then I went to work in the little field behind the house where we grow our vegetables ; I was there until nearly one .
12 I went to mass in the morning . ’
13 As all transport resumed on Boxing Day , I went to Highbury in the afternoon , having shared one of the other Sister 's parcels in the morning .
14 That night I went to sleep in a tree for the second time , and the next day I went on with my journey .
15 I went to sleep in the park .
16 I was very tired , and I went to sleep in the boat .
17 I went to chapel in the holidays and to the youth club .
18 Yeah , but tell him I went to Hoebury in the afternoon .
19 when I was sixteen because it 's then I started to get these free passes and I had a sister then who lived at Rye and I had never been across London so the next door neighbour came with me to see me across London er because I was so young you see and I said right as long as you show me across London I can come back alone , you see , and so I came back alone and I , that 's when I started , so from sixteen and er and as I say I went to Cambridge in the nineteen thirty one , it was the last day of well say nineteen thirty two , you see , and , and also in the twenties I was going on holiday alone and I went to once er to the Isle of Man and when I was er I , I sat next , well being by myself , you see , they put me in , to a little table near the wall .
20 ‘ Maybe he 's used to servants , ’ I said to Helen in a loud voice , as I held the door open for him to slide in next to Jeeta and Jamila .
21 And I care not what may be the motive of the parents who bring their children and want them offered to Christ in the sacrament of baptism it is the grace of God that is available for them there and I think we should be very thoughtful about these matters and try to take up either one position or the other .
22 And when she goes to London in the summer she may order as many as four or five , especially if she is attending the races .
23 Jane Barker 's first poems were written for a small coterie including many Cambridge scholars , along the lines of the ‘ Society of Friendship ’ of her literary model Katherine Philips [ q.v. ] ; and when she moved to London in the 1680s , some of these poems were published in the unauthorized Poetical Recreations ( 1688 ) .
24 Then a short time ago she came to Edward in a great state . ’
25 Now , ’ he said , ‘ you going to sleep in the bed tonight ? ’
26 She turned to Cameron in a little movement of appeal .
27 Half an hour later he was seated on her couch reading a financial magazine she subscribed to while in the kitchen a cheesecake was defrosting in the microwave , and a home-made lasagne warming up in the oven .
28 After a number of years on tour with her husband , in Europe , the near East , South Africa and the Argentine , she returned to Broadway in the mid-1930s .
29 Even so , she returned to Asia in the 390s , proving Alcibiades right ( viii.46 ) when he told the satrap Tissaphernes that Sparta would be a less convenient ally than Athens if and when the war ended , because Sparta comes as a liberator .
30 When you talked to judges in the Sixties , they might have told you they did n't happen at all or would be willing to concede that a miscarriage might take place once every 10 years . ’
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