Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] to [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I came to school for a book , but I found a musician ! ’
2 I look to NI for an alternative view of the world .
3 And when I go to Wales for a holiday and there are Welshmen , they 're just as good as I am , some can sing so much nicer , and I 've worked with Scotsmen in engineering factories , and there 's no better engineers than Scotsmen , but they do n't necessarily call them British .
4 ‘ If I go to Maui for the day , I 'm scared I might miss my chance . ’
5 It was a very hot and sunny day in 1987 when I went to Semerwater for the open air service , and Yorkshire 's largest natural lake was a hive of activity .
6 And so I went to sea for the second time .
7 It was then that I went to school for the first time , to a Roman Catholic convent in Ealing , not because of my parents ' religious beliefs but because it was thought to be educationally superior to any of the state-run schools in the locality .
8 I went to Ipswich for a holiday .
9 It sounds strange but at Easter I went to Paris for the weekend .
10 At the end of the fourth day , after hours of gentle massage by Miss Sowerby and myself , I went to bed for a full night 's sleep , Miss Sowerby taking over as ‘ night nurse ’ .
11 In October 1981 , I went to Moscow for a conference on quantum gravity .
12 I went to Oslo for the Bislet Games , one of the world 's top athletics meetings with the stands always packed and the crowd highly knowledgeable — a tremendous atmosphere .
13 The comic dimension of a line like ‘ Caroline and I went to Lockets for the husbands ’ and wives ' left-wing dinner' will have passed him by ; he is as earnest as he is sanctimonious .
14 With this in mind I travelled to Woburn for the Superstars ' Celebrity Challenge .
15 ‘ Last year you came to Venice for a holiday , and somehow you met my father .
16 Mrs Chalker , who is to go to the House of Lords , resumes ministerial responsibilities tomorrow when she travels to Budapest for a meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development .
17 The experience left her physically and emotionally drained and a few months later she returned to hospital for a hysterectomy .
18 Doug Robertson last saw Rabina Ali at the end of September when she flew to Karachi for a family holiday .
19 It is five months since she flew to America for a lifesaving bowel and liver transplant .
20 Coaches will be waiting to transfer you direct to Longchamp for the racing .
21 You went to Paris for the funeral , did n't you ? ’
22 You go to daddy for a minute let me get this erm these spuds on .
23 When , in the summer of 1983 , she went to England for a few weeks , she took a French companion whose role was to instruct her during every spare moment .
24 She went to sleep for a respite , and when she woke up Stephen was in drafty self-possession .
25 In 1920 she went to Moscow for the second congress of the Third International .
26 Soon after joining the WSPU in 1906 she had embarked on a campaign of disruptive action which by the time she went to Epsom for the Derby had brought her numerous prison sentences for offences such as obstruction , throwing bricks , setting fire to pillar-boxes and smashing windows in the House of Commons .
27 Once a year she went to Scarborough for a week .
28 After our break-up she went to Australia for a period .
29 But what is it like to face Immigration Officers when you come to Britain for the first time , not knowing the language , uncertain about the future ?
30 Until she returns to Pittsburgh for a check-up next summer , her parents hope she can live a normal life , including starting school .
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