Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] with [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have just received notice via our agent , Mr John Popham , whom I believe you know , that Newport Borough Council and Gwent County Council are preparing to apply to the Secretary of State for Wales for an Order under the above Act to enable them to proceed with the construction of a barrage across the river Usk .
2 I could hear them fumbling with the ladder at the window .
3 They ate nothing themselves , but watched me eat with a sort of respectful deference which made me uneasy , it being , I felt , inappropriate and therefore dangerous .
4 Sleep-deprived subjects , however , improve their performance on the five-choice when subjected to white noise , as if arousal level in their cases was being raised sufficiently to allow them to cope with the demands of the task .
5 The public library has lost its soul because it has been absorbed into the modern semi-literate culture and because it did not have the knowledge and experience gained across generations that the old private libraries had to enable them to cope with the world of mass circulation popular fiction , for example , rather than the People 's University that Hoggart remembers from his youth in the Hunslet district of Leeds .
6 Sensations rushed in : the cries of the traders in the street below them mixed with the screams of the swallows that swished low across the roofs ; the dark aroma of the strong coffee mingled with the fresh smell of the bread .
7 Everything about it has helped me to grapple with the intricacies of machine knitting in this , my second year .
8 And according to the erm agreement which I made with the franchisee in June eighty nine erm his rent is also due for review er this August .
9 When I say humanism , I mean with no belief in anything except one 's existence from , I suppose , oneself .
10 I toyed with the idea of committing suicide , but I knew in my heart and soul I would never take my own life .
11 I toyed with the idea of reminding you of all my triumphs , of my prediction of the ‘ 87 stock market crash , of my warnings about the ERM and the dangers of Europe , about …
12 I toyed with the idea of taking it myself , and hiding it somewhere , but it was almost too heavy for me to carry , and there was nowhere much nearer than the house itself where it could be hidden .
13 At A level , I toyed with the idea of doing physics , maths and English , and if I was just doing it for pure enjoyment I would have done it at that stage .
14 For a moment I toyed with the idea of getting back to the ship , lifting off and going a comfortingly long way away .
15 I toyed with the idea of walking the station to meet him , but , having a sore throat and an impending cold , had gone out to get cough sweets from the ‘ Paki shop ’ just before it closes at 10pm and , coming up the street , the heavens opened and a mass of snow began to fall , so I came in and stayed in , so that 's freshly home made onion soup was ready as he came up the stairs .
16 Er er do you reckon we ought to have had , you kn you know we went over to gas , I toyed with the idea of fetching that do you know , you know when this house were built we went looking at a depot where they 've got all these grates and I took th funnily enough I took the measurements of the breast and er the only one we found was just that dead on look , right across
17 I lived with a man for 10 years .
18 Lying flat , my naked chest against the cold concrete I fought with the thing till my eyes popped and my breath gave out , but it had not the slightest effect and it made my mind up ; I had to tell him .
19 I rasp with the confidence of someone who is offering a constructive alternative , but with the sharp edge of a man who is losing patience .
20 But we lived in a middle-class neighbourhood and I met with a lot of disapproval .
21 The pilot of a plane Tony and I shared with a bunch of drunks en route to Akureyri once told a very poor story .
22 I agreed with the decision at the time , though since we have n't managed to identify him I 'm beginning to wonder if it was right .
23 He only ever puts the gas on half-way to the first mark on the knob and in the winter keeps the central heating down to sixty degrees : " I sit with the blanket round me . "
24 I checked with the Exchange about your early morning caller and they said it was n't local , but a connection from Edinburgh .
25 ‘ By the way , sir , while I was waiting for Fowler to relieve me , I checked with the constable at Morvyl .
26 Oh it is now yes , you 've got , I mean you 've got the service now have n't you and erm , but I like at St Margaret 's hospital I 'd been , I had been , I went in there to have my last boy , but they 're very , very good there they were , I 've not been in , I 've been in , I 've had treatment here for my hip and that up at Harlow but they would n't do the operation because of my blood clotting you see , so therefore I 've got to grin and bear it , I 've had eight years of it , I could n't walk for six months , but now I struggle and get around as I say with a couple of sticks I get round
27 She does everything right ; when I was young I helped with my small sister — she was born when I was fourteen — and I helped with the housework of course .
28 Furthermore , since I disagree with the view of the Divisional Court on this point in Ex parte Handscomb , but the Home Secretary was obliged for the time being to follow it , there is little logic in saying that he should have extended it to mandatory cases .
29 I disagree with the impression of London East TEC that the hon. Member for Newham , North-East gave .
30 But when I when I when I trained as recruit I trained with a lot of other er lot of other people .
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