Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] that they [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 One of the things we said the worst training session can be is going over stuff that I already have done , already known , what training have I received that they received in the past ?
2 They claimed that they lived in Walton village .
3 It asked that they turn in their " heavy and medium-calibre weapons and ammunition " no later than April 30 .
4 It helped that they believed in his faked war record and legends such as that the religious leader Gregorio Aglipay inserted a slither of wood into Marcos 's back before the Bataan campaign in 1942 , allegedly giving him magic powers .
5 He saw that they kept in their lines , with their helms and weapons in reach , and went back to the awning his servants had raised with a bench under it , and some saddles .
6 When I asked him what those eminent shrinks did with themselves in the evenings he explained that they gathered in the hotel bar .
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