Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] it [was/were] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it was like years ago I heard things about Down 's children with holes in the heart and why bother to do it , but now everything 's changing — let's make them more normal .
2 I mean it was like Deborah and Dave , can you remember ?
3 I realised it was for John and Angela . ’
4 Right now , I mentioned it was in aid of charity , how , how are you going on , on the charity side of things ?
5 Except that is was for money , I know it was for money but er I do n't know the exact er Because I think I think in that year , we got what we called the Samuel award , that were three shillings a day , basic , you see ?
6 Well I know it was at Street at one time .
7 When I started it was with Ivy , and she were married in North Ronaldsay with the brother of Sydney , Roy .
8 They send them a post card through and I thought it was about February , but Win reckons it 's the end of March their booster time .
9 I thought it was in support of the IRA but it could have been some other organization , such as the Women 's Liberation people .
10 I see I thought it was in North Shields .
11 I thought it was from generator to a pipe , couple of hand brakes in there .
12 She said to her in the week when she rung she wo n't ring until I thought it was like midnight last night she was getting in and she was n't gon na ring till today but it 'll be tomorrow she 'll ring her .
13 I thought it was like London when we sat in the cinema ’ , she went on .
14 I thought it was like history and English and erm ,
15 Later , I think it was on Anglia , was it ?
16 Was it on , I think it was on Sky or something
17 we , that means I 've got ex , it 's because we do n't have period one and two on Wednesday , yeah , that means we 've got extra time for our French test , I think it was on Wednesday , extra time to practice
18 I think it was at Maitlands the lovely shop
19 Yeah he mentioned to me about a month ago well I think it was at Christmas , it was probably at Christmas time
20 In those days a wing commander engineering officer was still a GD pilot but after the long course ( I think it was at Henlow , on engineering ) they devoted all their energies to full time engineering .
21 So that was the journey waybill and that was handed in at the end of the day and from that and a visual check of the tickets that were returned by him to the ticket office , they could tell which tickets were missing and therefore they were sold to him and er there be , there was the odd shortages but in those days if anybody was short in his takings by , I think it was about sixpence in those days , he was the subject of a another warning by letter and if he persisted , well then he was brought in to see the Traffic Superintendent who erm , could suspend him for two or three days , so he lost pay for two or three days .
22 Well it is so dry , god , but er , the first time I drank it , I think it was about threepence a pint , it was always a lot cheaper than beer , you know , it was in the thirties , threepence a pint .
23 Erm I was very , very interested in an interview I heard last weekend I think it was with Pete , when he made the comment that he was n't interested in back to basics because that was looking backwards a lot of people in the past lived pretty miserable lives .
24 With regard to action plans , one course I went on , I think it was with Theresa , ad er it was Adrian Is it Adrian ? name .
25 Er , before we start , I would like to say that we have received a request er , I think it was from Longman Dic tories er Dictionaries to have er , one of our meetings recorded , and er , after discussing with the leader of the Council , er and er we decided that that this may be the best committee to record .
26 What you need , cos I remember reading about when they changed over , I think it was in Denmark or somewhere
27 I 've heard erm people saying , I think it was in America erm , as , as long as you both shall love instead of as long as you both shall live .
28 Yeah , I 'm pleased that this erm , statement , I think it was in capital monitoring a few weeks ago by Councillor Wyle , is now out into the public domain ,
29 But talk about a hassle they wanted , they , well they picked the be the pr you know the present that you c you claim erm , a deep fryer and I think it was in March time and by July it still had n't come in spite of ringing and writing and everything else
30 Yeah , yeah , I think it was in hospital , again I think he sacred , probably scared now his coming .
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