Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] look at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I avoided looking at the headless pigeon in the gutter .
2 Well they had to get their own machines out an there 's one old boy had a stitcher , a be he looked ninety , he probably was n't , and er he was chu , it was just after lunch and he was chewing apple and old Jo , I was working with so you know , Jim someone 's I said look at the silly old B , I said !
3 I turned to look at the young man beside me , his long fingered hands resting on the steering wheel .
4 I turned to look at the retreating figures of my two friends , feeling unbearably isolated , and went to eat alone in the cafeteria . ’
5 I decided to look at the local statistics for asthma deaths in West Cumbria from the public health department for the years 1980 to 1989 .
6 ‘ Life has changed , Shama , ’ I said looking at the Japanese thermos on the chair by my bed and the round box of Danish biscuits which I had been given ‘ in case you are hungry in the night ’ .
7 I need to look at the real thing . ’
8 ‘ No , I 've been to the office , and I wanted to look at the projected sales figures for this quarter .
9 To put it more simply , I wanted to look at the reciprocal interaction between individuals and their immediate social world .
10 She turned to look at the rear clock .
11 And , repeating this like a charm : ‘ It was n't me ; it was n't me , ’ she turned to look at the red splashes on the wall .
12 then you see or somebody you know looking at the long jump and they 're muttering away to themselves .
13 Cos you know to look at the bottom line of total design fees against what they would have been if we 'd gone in fixed price ?
14 Er without being an actuary I say to myself that 's a pretty magical thing you 've done and then it causes you to start looking at the monetary background of all of that an and again I I 'm , I 'm speaking here largely on what actuarial advice we are beginning to receive .
15 " Do n't be sorry , " he said , " I quite enjoyed it , " She looked up briefly then , smiling uncertainly , as though she did n't believe him , He licked his lips , moved forward , put one hand out and touched hers where it gripped the glass , She kept looking at the empty glass avoiding his face .
16 She liked to look at the dreadful toxins through the jewelled prison of their coloured glass bottles : ruby red , peridot green , indigo blue .
17 How lovely she had looked at the early morning Mass .
18 We can cut money off , let's make some easy quick decisions about cutting money off , let's chop out the arts you could do that on one line easily and I think you have to look at the long term you have to look at what happens in terms of our culture , our civilization if you do do that , how people change and to me it 's about and that was raised last night too about how an saying that they had put a limit on the cost of opera tickets forty pounds , compared
19 Like all these things you have to look at the bright side .
20 You have to look at the whole team for that .
21 Erm and you need to look at the big picture .
22 I returned to Russia recently with my dear friend Ashkenazy and we went to look at the Central School of Music in Moscow , our educational base for so many years , and there it is , a sorry sight of rubble , locked doors and broken windows .
23 We 've looked at the correct placing of a tank , at filtration and other life-support systems for tropical fish , and at the fish themselves .
24 The erm point about are distribution within Greater York is that we have attempted to look at this in what I think is a a rational and realistic manner , we have looked , and you 'll see this from our supplementary paper , I apologize for its lateness , but I think it 's benefited from the additional thought that could be given to it , we have looked both backwards , at the present day , and forwards , we 've looked backwards at past build rates , we 've looked at the present day position in the sense of the population shares within Greater York , and we 've looked forwards in terms of the commitment figures that are given in the N Y one paper that we 've just been looking at , and taking all those things into account , and adding in what we see as the right location for a new settlement , namely Selby district , we come to the figures that are in our supplementary paper , and there is clearly a great deal of common ground between the evidence you get from looking either at past building rates or population shares , as now , or future commitments which all point towards a broadly similar distribution , we say , with the addition of a new feature namely the new settlement , so that I commend those figures to you as somebody who 's actually dared to put their toe , or maybe their whole body into the water , and given you not only some numbers , but also a basis by which if you should er have a different Greater York figure in mind , a basis on which that could be rationally er approached , I would not certainly defend to the last ditch the need to put a figure of fifty dwellings into the structure plan for the Hambledon part of Greater York , there may be a cut off point beyond which you do n't go , but certainly for Ryedale and Selby , with very substantial numbers there is a need to indicate what the appropriate division should be , and you could not for instance indicate what the er Ryedale non Greater York figure was , without someone telling us the , as the Chairman rightly said , having an idea of what the Ryedale Greater York figure should be , so it is n't really I think feasible to have district figures for non Greater York , and one Greater York figure , that does n't er get away from the issue , and nor does it solve the potential for confusion .
25 Unlike its competitors , Eden is still avoiding building in support for wireless data networks in its machines : it 's an attractive market on paper but ‘ we 've looked at the available technology and put together designs , but have n't taken it very far because the pricing just has n't worked ’ says Crisp .
26 We 've looked at the current number of users , where they live , the journey times that they have often provided by us on tra transport and the possibilities of where we can relocate them and clearly we have a number of centres in the Nottingham er conurbation which will be made available to those users from Beaver Vale .
27 We 've looked at the different types of stress , what is happening to you when you 're stressed .
28 Er I think I am on version ten , I do n't know whether that 's one or two more than , but er , the officers have worked , worked very hard and I 'm very grateful to them , erm I 'm also very grateful to the primary heads , secondary heads , their own staff associations , and the representatives of the governors for whom Hilary , Bob and I have met , and er we 've listened very carefully to what they have to say and we 've done our modest best to er to er use their priorities as well as our own perhaps political one , we 've looked at the educational value er , I suspect more than the other two groups erm than the political sum .
29 ‘ None of us could be sure if we would have a job tomorrow ; the uncertainty was preventing us winning new business ; and we had looked at the various companies who were rumoured to be bidding for us and did n't like what we saw . ’
30 look at the money for a moment because if you look , when we come to look at the financial commentary , we will be going down the erm er what we spent our training budget on
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