Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] come up [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I remember coming up to Middlesbrough for the final game with Oxford , which Boro won 4–0 , ’ he recalled .
2 ‘ If you want to come up to Manchester , ’ said Jonquil , ‘ just drop me a line .
3 You came came up by train ?
4 And th and can I restate the view of British Rail , there is little or no prospect of a new station being opened up on the east coast main route main line , because of the four track configuration , which I 'm sure you 'll have seen on your when you 've come up to York by tr by train .
5 She had come up to Jasper , who caught her wrist in his bony grip , and they ran together up towards the Underground .
6 Of course , she had come up against death , or the prospect of it , many times in the course of her work , but somehow she had never acquired the sort of immunity against emotional involvement , that almost instinctive shutting off , as so many of her colleagues had seemed to do .
7 They have come up to London to see the Queen because a relative is to receive an honour .
8 Are fishkeepers really so publicity hungry that they have to come up with quotations such as the Sun 's reported comment from Christine ‘ If we ca n't find a new home ’ ( for the Gourami ) ‘ we 'll just have to eat him . ’
9 If he failed to come up with explanations to put everything right then , and then only , would he have to face the consequences himself , for it was clear now that she would have to leave — disengage herself from him , as Marc had so succinctly put it — but she had given her word and she would wait until the whole matter could be discussed openly .
10 British officials understand China 's concern at Mr Patten 's plans — but he has to come up with arrangement for elections in 1995 and although the colony 's business community is cool towards them there are growing demands for democracy .
11 In one of the most touching passages , he recalled coming up to America on his emigrant ship in 1955 , his father and brother and he standing by the rail , feeling this sense of opportunity , this relief that the bad times were over , that a new world was out there waiting to be conquered .
12 Maybe that very quickly he started coming up with lyrics and that he and I got on well right from the off , Well , not quite from the off .
13 And then we say who 's available it 's it 's come up in North Shields erm who is available who is just finishing an assignment .
14 They had seen that the volcano was in eruption even before dropping anchor ; many of them had come up on deck to see the spectacle .
15 He too , was proud and as he looked round the crowded pews of St Christopher 's in Englefield , New Jersey , he thought of what a good turn-out it was considering that so many of them had come up from New York .
16 You , th cos the railway men used to make the path , cos the terrific amount of railway men used to work down at and most of our round consisted of railway people and most of them had come up from Wales and places like that .
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