Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] take [pron] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And then he said , I do n't mean to put pressure on , but I want to get to know you , we 've got so much in common and erm I want to take you out for dinner , not just go to the concert , but , we do n't get to know each other that way .
2 " I want to take you out to dinner , Lollie , " he said .
3 Mike came down yesterday morning , mind you he had been on his own quite a lot , a lot of time yesterday for the day Josh , cos I went to Altrincham with me mum at half nine and it , I 'd taken him out for a walk to make sure he 'd had his walk and Mike did n't get up till gone half two and when he come down he 'd cut a report of Lisa 's on the floor
4 A pity she really did have a cold on the morning she woke up and used her inhaler , the morning after I 'd taken it out of her hand-bag and added my little cocktail .
5 And I remember taking it out of my pocket and showing it to Basil and saying , now , this is the kind of thing I 'm interested in , as well as horses , because it gives me a feeling of English life .
6 I felt disillusioned , stale and cynical and I wanted to take a break before I started taking it out on the callers .
7 Afterwards I had to take him out to the pub to revive him . ’
8 I 've taken her out to lunch .
9 what you mean take it out of the
10 If you want to take them out of the book
11 Robert merely had to drop a few bon mots from Marwan Ibrahim Al-Kaysi 's handbook into the conversation and Maisie 's eyes widened the way they did when you offered to take her out for a meal or when she was telling you how someone had told someone that she had a beautiful mouth .
12 Take it from me ; the average network station will not be up and running five minutes after you 've taken it out of the box .
13 She had taken him out into the garden to show him various easy spring tasks that must be done , and for which she would pay him , and he had refused .
14 The Lord had n't dealt bitterly with her , she had gone out of God 's will , she had taken herself out of the covering of God 's protection and blessing .
15 You could find yourself in the ludicrous situation where you have to take them out of the country for half-an-hour and take them back in again .
16 Just cos you 've messed up your practical your your personal life it do n't mean you have to take it out on the rest of us .
17 We had to take her out in a chair .
18 They 'd as good as killed him when they 'd taken him out of the field .
19 Three men were needed to do the actual fitting of the tyre : two holding the tyre after they had taken it out of the oven , and one with a bucket of water to pour on to the felloes to stop them from taking fire as the tyre was clamped on .
20 He wants to take me out to dinner tonight , ’ Alexandra could not resist adding .
21 He 'd taken her out to dinner that very night , and now seemed to be practically haunting the place , and obviously very much in love with her friend .
22 I had called Professor Ruiperez from my hostal , and at once he came to take me out to lunch at an expensive restaurant featuring all the local dishes , including a hearty paella and fine Rioja wines .
23 Boredom took the place of apprehension in Goreng 's mind ; he began to take it out on people .
24 He might even hand it over tonight when he called to take her out for a meal .
25 ‘ If he remembered to take it out with him to the kitchen .
26 He was glad that he did n't throw out the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since he had taken them out of the suitcase on top of the wardrobe and displayed them in his own room as if they had come in with the morning post .
27 When she learned — shock , horror , dismay ! — that he wanted to take me out to dinner she had the brass nerve to call me ‘ a Jezebel ’ !
28 He wanted to take me out in his boat to see to his lobster pots , only I was too scared of the sea .
29 De Gaulle meant , as you would realise , that he wanted to take her out of earshot and have a whisper .
30 Erm and she 's had seven youngsters and she 's brought them up and she a , on her own she 's had to bring them up cos he left her for another , another woman and erm she had the seven and she 's worked and fought hard cos she would n't ask for a darn thing and er they 're , they 're great those kids , they are , they 're a credit to her , you know , but it 's taken it out of her , she 's
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