Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] just been [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 So w er we did what we 've just been suggested from the front here you see .
2 The lecture theatre resonates like a drum with the chatter of a hundred-odd students , all talking at once , as if they have just been released from solitary confinement .
3 Similarly , in the report of ‘ a sex beast nicknamed ‘ The Acne Kid ’ ’ ( Star ) , who boasted to the victim that he had just been freed from prison and said : ‘ I 've served time for rape before ’ , speculation about this possible link was scotched quickly .
4 Lips tight , fists clenched , eyes narrow , breath held , back straight , stomach in , chest out , shoulders back , Steven Grout stamped away from the depot he had just been fired from , away from their stupid job and those awful people .
5 He had just been de-mobbed from the Army , intended to go up to Oxford to work for his Doctorate in the autumn , and was looking for a house for his mother who had recently been divorced .
6 He 's just been released from hospital .
7 And three of them had just been whipped from under me .
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