Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] just [vb pp] from the " in BNC.

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1 I 've just retired from the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service after just over thirty years service having reached , reached the er full time that I matured , that 's thirty years service and attaining the ripe old age of fifty five .
2 Erm , I 've just discovered from the
3 I 've just walked from the car . ’
4 I 've just come from the Foreign Office , and you 're immediately on a new assignment .
5 I 've just come from the Appeal Court .
6 I 've just come from the Embassy .
7 May I draw the Economic Secretary 's attention to a study that I have just received from the House of Commons Library 's statistical section ?
8 ‘ Ma'am , I have just come from the market .
9 A young woman living in a semi-detached house on an unpopular Sheffield estate showed me a letter she 'd just received from the electricity board : " A board employee will … call at your premises to cut off the electricity supply on 9/11/82 .
10 If you remove the piece of rib you 've just knitted from the machine and then compare its width with the width of the needles in working position , you 'll see what I mean .
11 Tessa , a keen machine knitter , was a little nervous as she had just moved from the South and was conscious of the supposed North/South divide but she found the warmest welcome .
12 They were country people in a sense that Melanie was not , although she had just come from the green fields and they might have lived in London all their lives .
13 Gwendolen was dad in dark grey and was wearing the hat she had just purchased from the Iduns Brothers Bazaar .
14 We 've just come from the kinema .
15 Now we may suggest that that 's the effect of the Second World War biasing alright biasing the estimates that we 've just produced from the whole sample .
16 ‘ Because we had just switched from the Lothian District League to the National League I thought it was a good time to concentrate on coaching , ’ she said .
17 We have just heard from the hon. Gentleman that all our proposals for discounts for single people and alleviation of the top rates of the tax are anathema to the Labour party , which wants to return to the full rigours of the rates .
18 We need greater co-operation in Europe in these matters , because immigration and asylum flows are a major political concern , as we have just noted from the exchanges about Le Pen and the way in which people are feeding upon his visit .
19 He has just emerged from the studio after recording his third album ; there will be many musical surprises in store .
20 Clarke is now tournament professional at the K-Club , Straffan , County Kildare — he has just switched from the equally fashionable Mount Julliet , County Kilkenny — and manager Andrew Chandler believes a European victory is definitely on the cards for Ulster 's emerging star .
21 It was next morning that Hazlitt came down to breakfast to find Coleridge with a letter he had just received from the Wedgwoods .
22 He had just turned from the window , intent on leaving , when the woman walked back into the room .
23 His name was Mason , and he had just returned from the West Indies , where Mr Rochester had once lived .
24 When I spoke with him yesterday he had just returned from the funeral of his father-in-law , who had died after months of cancer .
25 Morse held up the photograph of Theodore Kemp which he had just removed from the living room .
26 He 's just phoned from the car to say that as far as he could tell Harry had nothing to do with it .
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