Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] up [conj] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I got up and took you up town .
2 I got up and kissed her on the way up and went to meet the boys .
3 He looked all in and was almost asleep , so I got up and patted his shoulder very gently .
4 The existence of two different ways of actualizing the potential meaning of to in discourse is clearly seen in sentences which can be ambiguous : ( 6 ) I got up and opened my mouth to commence a downright torrent of abuse .
5 I drew up and pushed my head out of the window .
6 I woke up and opened my eyes and there were fuzzy patches , just like I had eight years ago … ’
7 I hung up and rested my forehead against the wall in despair .
8 Opening the paperback at the title page , I glanced up and asked him should I sign it for someone .
9 And I leapt up and grabbed his arm .
10 So I rang up and told them in the office .
11 Yeah I rang up and said I was n't gon na go the children .
12 I looked up and saw him clinging to a pipe that ran the length of one wall , high up .
13 But when I looked up and saw you , all I could think of was holding you , kissing you — ’
14 And I looked up and said it 's here !
15 I strode up and doffed my hat .
16 I went up and touched his shoulder .
17 I went up and did it twice .
18 There was no one around so I went up and put my nose practically against the glass .
19 I went up and gave her a kiss and murmured felicitations in her one visible and lobeless ear .
20 ‘ I fink 'e was after pinchin' somefing from yer bag , Sergeant Joe , only I come up an' caught him openin' it . ’
21 Still , we reached the end in a while , and I stood up and tugged him back until he was sitting wedged in the corner , supported by the rear and side walls .
22 As she came nearer , I could see that it was indeed Anna , and I stood up and yelled her name across the chaotic traffic of August tourists and pushy little French cars .
23 I stood up and shook his hand .
24 I stood up and shook it .
25 I stood up and patted my pockets to make sure I had keys , wallet , and so on .
26 I jumped up and picked my way across the table .
27 " Oh — all right , then , " she said , concealing her disappointment " She got up and gathered her knitting together .
28 She got up and swung him around .
29 She got up and poured herself a glass of whisky without asking , and my mother did n't seem to mind .
30 She got up and poured herself another slug of whisky .
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