Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] what he [verb] say " in BNC.

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1 Then , belatedly , she realised what he had said : the whole of what he had said .
2 ‘ None , ’ before she realised what he had said .
3 She remembered what he had said about steering clear of married women , and she decided that they probably were n't , not that the thought gave her any pleasure .
4 He was the Financial Secretary to the Treasury when Lord Barnett was Chief Secretary , and we know what he had to say .
5 When he returned the people gathered round him to hear what he had to say .
6 He altered that to , ‘ Can you put the light out , dear ? ’ when she bashed him with the book and asked him to repeat what he had said .
7 All she had to do was get him to repeat what he had said in Seville — that he wanted her to stay , and she would .
8 But as they analyse what he has said to different people , they begin to see that the question is not really pertinent .
9 Would they accept what he had said and let them go rather than cause a scene ?
10 He shrugged his shoulders and went off leaving me to ponder what he had said .
11 Lancaster breathed out slowly and looked down at the table when he realised what he had said .
12 ‘ Where did you get the Hell 's Angels outfit ? ’ he asked , then he realized what he 'd said .
13 He adapted what he had to say according to those he was concerned with and their situation .
14 One month later Glassford was reported to be completing the work of preparing nominal votes , and in this his lawyer , who lacked experience in such matters , was being helped by the agent of Lord Dundas , who clearly considered him still an ally , but on August 6th , Glassford removed such illusions by making it quite plain that he meant what he had said about his price for support , and denied that he was in any way pledged to Lord Dundas :
15 I said to the Leader of the Opposition that ’ jerk ’ is not on the list of unparliamentary expressions but , bearing in mind the nature of this debate , it would help the House if he refined what he has said in the interests of good order .
16 He understood what he had said , and nodded slowly .
17 He remembered what he had said to Alexandra the night before : ‘ We need n't rush into anything . ’
18 His face flushed as he remembered what he had said about Mary .
19 Plastering his face with grease and wiping away Hook 's villainous eyebrows , he said what he had to say .
20 Only then will he say what he has to say .
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