Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] that [pron] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I got back to work , by which I mean that I got my papers and notes out , and then sat looking at them for what seemed like a dreary lifetime , and was really probably only twenty minutes .
2 After a few seconds ' thought I realised that she meant their President , that is the former General who was dictator with the continuing consent of their other commanders .
3 I stress that we believe our proposals are right , and we set them out clearly in ’ Options for Change . ’
4 When Hellen was transferred to Toronto to continue her documentary film-making career , I found that I missed her cheery presence more than I had expected , despite many activities .
5 Of course , I had never walked in snow before , and I found that it made my feet very cold .
6 ‘ Then I suggest that you keep your tongue , unless you wish to render yourself liable to an action for slander . ’
7 Now I suggest that you get your things together .
8 It 's the last day of Week 2 and I suggest that you have your main meal at lunchtime again , so allowing more time to work it off before tomorrow 's assessment .
9 If you are completely beaten by this painstaking stage of pressed flower work , then I suggest that you consult your local framer , who should be very helpful and be able to quickly produce the professional finish that you want .
10 If not , I suggest that he withdraws his reference to AMMA .
11 I mentioned that I missed my son and how I could n't see him .
12 Later , he would tell Radio One 's Janice Long : ‘ I believed that I had my own work to do .
13 We shook hands warmly ; I noticed that he had his old clay pipe in his mouth but there was no tobacco in it as he sucked at it and repeatedly removed the pipe from his mouth .
14 I hope that I chose my words with some care ; I do not want to add to them .
15 Your accommodation sounds most luxurious for a student , and I hope that you get your piano installed , no matter with whom you have lessons .
16 I hope that you find our proposal acceptable and look forward to the prospect of working closely with you on this project .
17 " I hope that you found our New Year ceremony of some interest . "
18 Might I suggest that we ask our MPs to use their influence to stop all advertising and sponsorship of smoking products which are now largely directed at young people ?
19 I know that they share my views and worries .
20 I know that you did your best , and you said yourself that the poor thing had little hope of surviving the birth ’ — his attitude to her had changed .
21 Then I assume that you withdraw your objection .
22 Delors , vouchsafes a little more of his vision of a centralised , bureaucratic , and socialist Europe , I confess that I have my doubts .
23 I remember that I left my bag on the table for a few minutes at coffee time in the afternoon . ’
24 Because I knew that I had my weaknesses , perhaps that is the reason that I was not more successful .
25 Her back was to me and I saw that she had her fingers crossed behind her back as she spoke .
26 Then the prisoner spoke and I understood that he wanted my sword .
27 I admit that I find his attention flattering .
28 I wish that I had her guts , ’ I thought .
29 It was no use offering him money , for he would immediately spend it on drink , but I suggested that he try his hand at very light work — sweeping the hospital floor , later a little gardening , and for this I paid him in meals cooked by Toma at home .
30 ‘ … so I suggested that she cut her holiday short . ’
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