Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] he [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am grateful for that because it enables me to provide him with a fuller response on those points than I might otherwise have been able to do .
2 A similar reason was given for refusing the remedy to a convicted prisoner who brought an action against the Home Secretary and the prison governor requiring them to provide him with the necessary medical treatment in accordance with the Prison Rules .
3 But for Ilsa 's sake I asked him about the gleaming star and discs on their rainbowed ribbons and he became almost talkative .
4 I asked him about the meatless days which the man at Amsterdam had mentioned .
5 At this point I thought she might be distracted by the kid whose chair was sticking out , so I asked him for a second time to move back even further .
6 ‘ I speak with Michael Odell inside ten minutes , or I raise him on the open line , ’ said Quinn carefully .
7 I met him for the first time ever when he took over the leadership of the party from the recently deceased Hugh Gaitskell in February 1963 .
8 And my real father — I mean my official , signed and sealed father — struck me the only time I met him as a grandiose old phoney .
9 I met him at the Labour Club .
10 A few weeks later I met him in a wild part of Laggan .
11 ‘ Once I met him in the local pub , ’ Patrick Newell recalled .
12 If you are looking for Monsieur Alain , I passed him on the main road .
13 When I saw my friend Bob Hope in some comedy or other at the age of six I provided him with an imaginary wife , who was called ‘ Nothing ’ .
14 He enjoys it all with equal enthusiasm , and when I visited him in a small hut on Denham airfield where he was instructing ab initio pilots in Cessna 172s I detected the same dedication , pride and affection he has for all his aviation exploits .
15 Like Richter and Tatyana Nikolaieva , I seen him as the founding father of all true musical quality , a composer far removed from conventional notions of sobriety , academicism or dryness .
16 I rated him as the best British droll comedian we had .
17 ‘ We do n't want you to be neglected , ’ I told him for the umptieth time .
18 ‘ Not today , thank you , ’ I told him for the umptieth time .
19 Er I told him about the other one .
20 I told him about the cold-water tap , how it did not always produce more than a trickle , how frequently the pressure let us down .
21 I cried out in relief and happiness : I thought I recognised him as a former schoolmate , a boy with whom I used to exchange groans about the maths problems whose solutions so frequently eluded us .
22 But I am glad that I provoked him into an unqualified withdrawal of his disgraceful unjustified comments .
23 I compared him to the other gentlemen present .
24 ‘ Never , ’ writes Boswell , ‘ did I see him in a better frame ; calm , gentle , wise , holy ’ — with Johnson opining that the essence of the Crucifixion lay in showing to the world that even the Son of God suffered on account of sin , and in doing so , displayed how heinous a thing sin must be .
25 And er I gets him down and I gets him into the stable , and I gets all the clothes off him and he gets into a bag , a bran bag , more bags and lay down and covered himself , and I hung his clothes round the boiler fire .
26 If I contacted him on the same number that I contacted you
27 Come and clean my windows and I owed him from the last time .
28 However , I refer him to the recent report on our manufacturing performance produced by the CBI entitled ’ Competing with the World 's Best ’ .
29 I refer him to the independent Centre for Economic Policy Research , where Professor Denis Snower recently published a document saying : ’ Implementing the social charter may be expected to hurt precisely those workers it seeks to help , in addition to raising unemployment and reducing investment ’ .
30 I killed him for no more reason than I wanted to do it .
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