Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] a [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A passenger sitting next to me flung a coin into the river with great enthusiasm .
2 Two thirds of them scratch a living from the soil .
3 ‘ I believe I have two more years of top-class rugby in me and I want them to include a return to the England team . ’
4 Carvajal was survived by a wife and two sons : one of them became a broker on the exchange , but neither of them seems to have married .
5 ‘ It would appear there is every chance of them maintaining a relationship in the future . ’
6 New theories about education challenged women 's intellectual credentials since most of them lacked a knowledge of the classics .
7 72 ) and , towards that end , each of them occupied a territory on the periphery of the USSR within which a particular nationality was in principle predominant — Estonians in Estonia , Ukrainians in the Ukraine , and Russians in the Russian Republic , which was by far the largest .
8 It seems to me to indicate a failure on the part of the union activists to understand that by ‘ withdrawing good will ’ , the state education service has lost much of the respect so painstakingly built up by successive generations of teachers .
9 These questions must be addressed , even if they can not be precisely answered ; simply raising them has an effect on the way old people are viewed and the action which it is deemed appropriate to take .
10 The year before , Maxims services had been tried out when the Ministry of the Court commissioned them to provide a banquet in the desert for a hundred people .
11 ‘ His Grace , the Bishop of Glasgow , ’ Corbett replied , ‘ has asked me to request an audience with the Lady Yolande in order to clarify certain matters regarding the death of her late husband , King Alexander III of Scotland . ’
12 We talked about the implications of the job and agreed on a salary , and I became a member of the bank .
13 I became a Member of the House in 1983 on a promise from various people that we would legislate less , that we did not want to legislate all the time , and that we would examine matters more carefully .
14 Jacqueline Clements writes ‘ In 1989 I became a partner in the Lincoln 's Inn Firm of Hunters — the first woman partner in 275 years ’ .
15 Er but when they changed the room round I moved to the because and I became a director of the for a while fo three f four years something like that .
16 ‘ Since I became an officer in the SS , I 've often been in a position to satisfy my craving . ’
17 You see , when I became an inspector on the railway eventually , it was like a fire being damped down .
18 MacArthur is modestly surprised by all the praise and talk of awards that has greeted her recent performances : ‘ These roles have a lot to do with the reason I became an actress in the first place — I still think of my career as being about to begin ! ’
19 I KNOW it is an old problem but can I make a plea for the Skerne to be cleaned up .
20 Accordingly , while congratulating the Association on its endeavours , may I make a plea to the members of its Committee to restrain themselves from the political tactic of eyewash and puff and to conduct themselves , so far as the Law Society are concerned , in a straightforward , honest and co-operative manner ?
21 MIGHT I make a correction to the article ‘ Quarry may take the waters ’ in last week 's Sunday Telegraph ?
22 Can I make a plug for the Glasgow underground system
23 May I make a suggestion to the Leader of the House ?
24 Ca , can I make a point about the tick now ?
25 How come , therefore , I asked a sage on the Daily Mirror newsdesk , Samantha Fox is worth £5.5 million ?
26 Though I advocate a return to the distinction , as the foundation of education , I am far from endorsing the Platonic evaluation .
27 A picture as they say is worth a thousand words and so it was that on the afternoon unemployment broke through the three million barrier I chanced a glimpse of the private feelings of John Major .
28 The move has also helped financially because I made a profit on the house sale , and as this one is smaller the bills are much lower .
29 For this reason I made a cassette of the particular imagery I used and asked Maxine to practise using it ( in combination with the relaxation technique ) for a week before coming to see me again .
30 ‘ I was spending money creatively ; I made a contribution to the family restaurant market , which is still in place , and which enabled people to have a very good value meal in enjoyable surroundings , for less money .
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