Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] and [vb infin] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This will give you valuable insights into the kinds of skills and attitudes that young people bring with them to work and help you to understand how their needs and interests can contribute positively to the work place .
2 A last-minute hiccup remained ; U Saw and Ba Sein announced that they could not sign , but Aung San brushed this aside : ‘ Let them resign and say they do not agree with the final statement and do not accept any responsibility for it . ’
3 Not much help to you , I know , but why should I fib and say I walked in ?
4 Where were those dark Plutonian forces when she needed them to aid and abet her plotting ?
5 You can teach him , but I can not allow you to go and see him dressed as you are .
6 The importance of these is that they make you think and help you recognise what it is that ‘ makes you tick ’ .
7 Er , can I say that it 's been a great pleasure coming er , to you and to say that erm that there 's far more to say , of course , about Canberra er , but I hope that that taster will help you to try and appreciate what went on there .
8 ‘ I do n't think it would be very wise of you to try and get me sent back to London . ’
9 Did you try and stop them , did you try and make them see reason ?
10 How did she relax and let herself trust again , after what Mortimer had done to her .
11 ca n't you go and say I volunteer that my son has homework
12 It will force you to think and plan what to do with every item and if necessary give specific instructions about when it should be brought back for your attention .
13 ‘ Could you come and help me get it out ? ’
14 ‘ It 's all the bloody same to me , so when you 've finished acting like a six-year-old will you come and help me unpack ? ’
15 Why did you lie and say you had n't met me before ? ’
16 Now let me try and do it joined up writing like you do it .
17 She hoped that the child to whom this home belonged would let her stay and watch him playing .
18 ‘ He is not in the least like any of Henrietta 's children , but when I see him laugh and run he makes me think of them , being nearer the little one 's age than my Penini .
19 I think it might be a good id , I do n't know whether , Lisa would like it better if you would let her know and let her get Kev talking on it , which perhaps be a better idea if she was in on it , but I 'll , I 'll have a word with her
20 Steve would have read her note , waited for her to phone and say she had arrived safely and when she had n't he would have driven up to the north of the island to find her .
21 But if he and the club feel he is close enough to soundness to allow him to travel and let us decide , we will do that .
22 I waited behind the cart for them to stop and let me pass .
23 Some people tell us to keep Moby on a tight lead and only walk him in one or two places ; others tell us not to let him off the lead as his bones are n't yet strong enough to take the strain ; some tell us to relax and hope he grows out of it .
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