Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] be the [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 The realization of this relationship in the act of teaching ( which I maintain is the only way it can be effectively realized ) has reciprocal effects .
2 I suppose is the only way if , if he started bleeding or if he felt loose , cos she said he 's still swollen from the operation
3 It was n't that the song had a particular relevance — it was n't about AIDS — but it was a song that I felt was the best way of expressing myself and also the best thing I had to offer at the time .
4 But if a matter came to a head that withdrawing my labour was the only way to resolve it , that I thought was the only way to resolve it , I 'd go out and do it again .
5 So after a little ‘ finding my way around ’ , I hit upon what I think is the best way to find the pole , using × 7 binoculars .
6 How do you get rid of , what 's the best , what did I say was the best way of getting rid of everything out of the cell ?
7 He 'd covered her over with a coat and taken her few possessions inside , and she 'd slept on ; she 'd been the same way for the last couple of hours of the journey , ever since they 'd made their final stop at a twenty-four hour garage so that he could fill the Zodiac 's tank and buy some tape for a running repair to the headlamp that he 'd broken when , lights doused to escape notice , he 'd clipped the corner of the garage block on their way out of the parking area .
8 Write a letter detailing your experience in language learning , and explain what you think is the best way to go about it .
9 Find out the best way to do it and then by this date we 're gon na assume a graph of procedures to work around what we decide is the best way to .
10 Er well selected for their standards that we think is the only way they could do it .
11 Prof Tim Congdon , from Lombard Street Research in the City , is the only one who wants Mr Lamont to take £3 billion out of the economy in taxes this coming year and £4.5 billion in 1993-94 , but that is to balance a loose monetary policy and another cut in interest rates , which he thinks is the best way of stimulating demand without fuelling inflation .
12 Prof Tim Congdon , from Lombard Street Research in the City , is the only one who wants Mr Lamont to take £3 billion out of the economy in taxes this coming year and £4.5 billion in 1993-94 , but that is to balance a loose monetary policy and another cut in interest rates , which he thinks is the best way of stimulating demand without fuelling inflation .
13 It took Quiss longer than he had expected to get to the castle kitchens ; they 'd changed some of the corridors and stairways en route from the games room to the lower levels , and Quiss , taking what he thought was the usual way , had found himself making an unexpected left turn and coming to a windy , deserted , echoing chamber which looked out over the white landscape to the tall wooden towers of the slate mines .
14 I knew if it had been the other way round , if it was Robert I had to ask , he would have said , ‘ On yer bike . ’ ’
15 He sees few signs of complacency but a greater appreciation of hazards and a commitment to taking the right precautions , which he considers are the surest way of accelerating progress towards a safer future .
16 It 's been the other way around with us .
17 That 's why I crawl down holes and chuck myself off cliffs and ride the bike — it 's been the only way I could feel alive , but since I met you I 've come alive in other ways , ways I 'd forgotten long ago .
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