Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] be [adv] with [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I like being in with my family .
2 He said I like being in with me boys .
3 It had blown a gale in the early hours and I had been up with my torch at three o'clock to attend to the guy-ropes and check that the washing was still on the line : it was , but it had become red with dust .
4 How has it been for yourself , obviously you 've been here with your children , your husband 's been away for more than a month , in Iraq , there must have been er terrible thoughts going through you mind at certain times ?
5 She had been out with her boy friend on one occasion and her parents had tried to be more accepting of her relationship with him .
6 David had been right when he 'd said that Rachel knew the whereabouts of Brooklands , for she had been there with her parents and her sister shortly after David and Jennifer 's engagement had been announced .
7 I mean it 's the last fortnight she 's meant to be studying and she 's been out with her boyfriends and
8 You see , what it is , it 's where they 've been behind with their mortgage , we will pay a slightly higher rate , but it 's only
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