Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [that] [pers pn] have [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I mean that they have what they call ‘ access ’ to the water , which means to the docks which means to the port which means to the open sea which means to the world .
2 Automatically I checked that I had plenty of fuel myself .
3 Just believe me when I say that I had nothing whatsoever to do with any of this .
4 It 's the last day of Week 2 and I suggest that you have your main meal at lunchtime again , so allowing more time to work it off before tomorrow 's assessment .
5 Later , he would tell Radio One 's Janice Long : ‘ I believed that I had my own work to do .
6 We shook hands warmly ; I noticed that he had his old clay pipe in his mouth but there was no tobacco in it as he sucked at it and repeatedly removed the pipe from his mouth .
7 I hope that you have something worth saying , ’ she said .
8 But neither can I claim that I had anything to do with it .
9 Delors , vouchsafes a little more of his vision of a centralised , bureaucratic , and socialist Europe , I confess that I have my doubts .
10 Because I knew that I had my weaknesses , perhaps that is the reason that I was not more successful .
11 Her back was to me and I saw that she had her fingers crossed behind her back as she spoke .
12 I wish that I had her guts , ’ I thought .
13 The statement ‘ I notice that you have nothing to review for the next number ’ could only have been written by him .
14 Nettled , I explained that I have what is known as an angular form , and this apparently makes me an entertaining subject .
15 Did , did you know that we have one there now ?
16 As the years stumbled by she found that she had nothing much to say to anybody .
17 She had come to terms with Newley 's affair with Arabella ; she believed that she had her husband precisely where she wanted him .
18 From the way his eyes kept darting to and fro she guessed that he had something more important to say and that he was waiting until Eleanor was safely out of sight and earshot .
19 Making records is a lot of fun , too , because you know that you have it there forever , and after you 're dead , hopefully , people are still listening to it .
20 She sensed that he had something to say to her .
21 Mr Smith is begging for help and you are concerned about Amy ; you feel that you have something to offer ( and you have responsibility for the two pre-school children ) .
22 Did y you said that you had your purse stolen , did someone actually break into the flat ?
23 You see that I had you in my mind ! ’
24 Individuals from pressure groups , or at least representing specific interests , secure entry into the ranks of those who exercise power by virtue not only of expertise but also of personal qualities , such as persistence and charm , which enable them to persuade that they have something to contribute to public decision making .
25 It expresses what we mean when we say that we have our reservations or vacillate about something .
26 We are only kidding ourselves if we think that we have anything like a complete succession for any part of the stratigraphical column in any one place .
27 The one occasion on which the Government did not cheat on the payments was earlier this year and we hoped that it had something to do with the Adjournment debate .
28 Adam briefly described how the triple portrait had been slashed and added , ‘ D' you really expect me to believe that you had nothing to do with it ?
29 They build on young people 's skills and confidence so they feel that they have something to offer to the world and to their own community .
30 And then they sent me a questionnaire saying they understood that he 'd he 'd given my address , and was he res , was he still resident ?
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