Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [not/n't] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is at times like this that I regret not doing a scientific 0-level and becoming a brain surgeon so that no one would ask me to wash up or scrub floors .
2 So when I said to Bob this morning was it Bob , I said do n't I do n't have a magic wand that 's gon na get rid of them but what I hope I 'm gon na give you over these two days is a system whereby you can use that and can support you so you 're able to effectively present despite having the nerves and be able to put over your point of view effectively , yeah ?
3 And they 'd bought this mortgage and their repayment was something like about I du n no a hundred and eighty pound a month .
4 I try not to make the same mistake twice . ’
5 I do not regard the United Kindom constitution as set in concrete .
6 However , I do not expect the full effect to be felt until next year , when I am sure we can expect a megaseller each month .
7 I do not mean a sexual strength — of that I have little — but a union of all my senses simply carries me past all reflection , sometimes into a beautiful ease , sometimes into filth and futility … but always I am passive .
8 The notoriously atheist and materialist Holbach was explicit about whom he meant by " the people " : By the word people I do not mean the stupid populace Every man who can live respectably from the income of his property and every head of a family who owns land ought to be regarded as a citizen .
9 and again : " when I make use of the word people , I do not mean the vulgar or mixed multitude " .
10 By puddings I do not mean the pretty little fripperies that are offered at the end of an elegant dinner as token appeasement of our sweet-toothed leanings .
11 Speaking for myself , I do not feel the slightest inclination to interfere .
12 I do not want the comparative figures to be distorted .
13 I do not think the Prime Minister imagines that this country 's future would be secure if we remained outside .
14 If he were to reflect on that , I do not think the hon. Gentleman would want it to happen .
15 I do not fish the big rivers like the Thames or the Trent for bream but I love to get after them on streams the size of the Wensum , Bure or Waveney .
16 Moreover , I do not anticipate the general election consequences to which the hon. Gentleman refers .
17 I do not blame the Labour party for not being able to reach a deal with us on that .
18 Mr. Walker : I do not blame the Hon. Gentleman for making such a speech just before a by-election , but I am glad to tell him that tomorrow I shall go through every detail of the valleys programme and I look forward to the Labour party 's publishing beside each item what the Labour Government achieved in their last five years .
19 I do not forget the other unions which were going at that present time helped us out quite a bit .
20 Because I do not hold the appropriate resource in hand , whatever she 's got , very helpful is n't it ?
21 I do not suppose a single drop of fun would ooze out ( 316 ) " And easy-going men like Clarendon would poke fun at " our Jesuit " and his " benevolent nocturnal rambles " ( 317 ) " .
22 I do not begrudge the hon. Gentleman his moment of happy , nostalgic reflection .
23 I do not draw the simple conclusion that young people have been badly treated — as they have — during the last 12 years .
24 I do not understand the hon. Gentleman 's mathematics and I slightly doubt whether he does .
25 I do not understand the finer points of sorcery , ’ said the Wolfqueen , and a brief , suddenly youthful grin lifted her lips , ‘ but I know a little .
26 However , I do not pursue the ethnic argument to too great an extent because in the United Kingdom our backgrounds are very mixed up .
27 I do not take a lapwing diversion from the nest via such topical matters of the day as the political turmoil in Eastern Europe , the freshest African coup , the survival chances of the whale , and that surly ripple of low pressure currently pendant from Greenland 's coathook .
28 In the first place I do not accept the representative theory of perception .
29 I do not accept the hon. Gentleman 's criticisms for one moment .
30 I do not doubt the hon. Gentleman 's aspiration to get people off the dole queue , but I doubt whether he has any policies to achieve that .
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