Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are unlikely to be any Scottish Conservative Back Benchers either , not only because there are so few of them but because none of them has participated in this debate , apart from a brief intervention by the hon. and learned member for Perth and Kinross ( Sir N. Fairbairn ) that could hardly have been described as serious participation .
2 Now I am filled with remorse , loathing and longing , because I love my wife and children but I remain attracted to this girl and ca n't get her out of my mind .
3 Now I am filled with remorse , loathing and longing , because I love my wife and children but I remain attracted to this girl and ca n't get her out of my mind .
4 I got injured in this game as well .
5 Erm , when I drew attention to this , one of the first things I did when I got elected to this council , erm , we get papers back which seem to suggest that in fact the Home Office are funding it at a level which , dare I say suggests that we might even make a small profit , er and I have in fact recently been approached by colleagues from Gloucestershire , asking us how we manage in that er , er exercise , because they 're concerned about the high cost of er , protection for certain royal establishments in their county .
6 I was out and under the bonnet when I got stopped by this policeman .
7 Then , as the weeks went by , I got filled with this sense of pride .
8 I had a conversation the other day with Con that reminded me of what I used to be , before I got corrupted by this place .
9 I came from Jamaica over twenty years ago and I got married in this country and I have stayed here ever since and although perhaps I might want to go back to Jamaica it 's not home to him .
10 Once I 'd broken into this solicitor 's and all there was there was this big safe , y'know the type I mean , a big square box that was on this big slab of polished wood .
11 Actually I wish I 'd gone like this years ago cos you get
12 I 'd retired by this time .
13 ‘ About some stolen property , ’ said the other , who , I 'd decided by this time , had shifty eyes .
14 On a taxi ride across the Clyde Valley — Hamilton , Motherwell , Wishaw going with my father to the psychiatric hospital where my mother had just been admitted , I was overwhelmed by the past , not just the place names that had filled my childhood when I 'd lived in this part of Scotland over twenty years before , but another past to which I had even less access : a prelude to my own .
15 Why ca n't I get rid of this thing for you ?
16 It was two years since I had stood on this spot on the way from Tan Hill to Hawes ; then the force had been a sluggish trickle after a dry spring , now , two years later almost to the day , it was a respectable torrent .
17 It was her first visit to a city and she was taken aback by the volume of traffic — ‘ I had heard about this kind of thing , but it 's quite frightening close to like this , ’ she said , as she stood on the pavement in City Square and watched four lanes of vehicles jousting strenuously for position .
18 I had heard of this spirit creature .
19 I said that this was the first I had heard of this claim . "
20 For more than a year Lorne and I had struggled towards this moment and , contrary to all the laws of psychology , we were finding that the realization of our dreams surpassed our wildest expectations .
21 I had picked for this exercise a place that I had visited many years before. , but to which I had never returned .
22 But , even while her spirits were taking a nosedive that , supposing he was offering her a lift to Prague , there would n't be any point in accepting if it was unlikely she 'd be able to book in anywhere , he , to her absolute astonishment , was going on , ‘ There 's a spare room in a suite I 've reserved for this month — you can have that if you wish . ’
23 There have been women I 've liked and respected , but there has been no one I 've loved until this moment . ’
24 ‘ They scrummed well and it was as hard a match as I 've played in this season .
25 But the grey-haired proprietress is adamant : ‘ I 've lived over this shop for years , and I 'm not moving now . ’
26 I 've lived in this town long enough to know that when people are talking about a picture in a certain way you do n't need to spend a lot of money on hype , just a little in the right media and the nominations start piling up .
27 I 've lived in this area for 25 years .
28 Fiona ; Yeh I 've heard about this Council Tax , so then it 's true if you 're all students living together then you do n't have to pay ? great ! !
29 I 've heard about this sort of thing before , ’ he said , as if realizing what he 'd stumbled on , or at least what he thought he 'd stumbled on .
30 By the time I 've finished with this room and had the forensic lab 's report I 'll be able to tell you a lot more than his mother ever knew about him .
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