Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] that [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Just like your dad , you are and did n't I tell him that teaching you reading and writing would n't bring any good ? ’
2 I saved you that put it on his bike .
3 Although I admire Mrs Dinwiddie 's concern for her family , I remind her that had she been a mother less than 80 years ago , when there were no modern crop chemicals , animal health products , food preservatives , human vaccines and modern medicines it is unlikely that her complete family would have survived childhood .
4 I take it that means you want one ? ’
5 I take it that means you 're still agreeable to my company when I can make it ? ’
6 ‘ There was something about the way she asked it that made me suspicious .
7 And when my mother was baking in a huge ovenware basin , then she 'd have the the erm the flour and the the erm what do you call it that made it rise ?
8 Beauty or whatever you call it that makes you feel that you have no shame any more , none left at all .
9 We showed her that videofit you issued , she said it was him , and she gave a good description of the lorry .
10 Yeah but I thought in the case of like Petula Clark and Lulu it was because they won it that got them into the scene sort of thing .
11 It was what he would do if he caught her that worried her , Maria reflected drily .
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