Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [art] first [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 I got the first shot in : one good punch .
2 erm , erm feel like they 're getting the benefit again , again and again , you now make the costs of at every point they take another , they 've got more coming in , erm in terms of cash and er at every point I seem to loose , I loose the first case in ninety one and everything now seems to go against me , it seems as though I do n't stand a chance any more .
3 I chaired the first meeting in the institute .
4 Well on a Monday okay I have an hour in the morning , I have the first hour in the morning and er oh God .
5 She made the first breach in my armourplating of male superiority .
6 Rosalind was educated at St Paul 's Girls ' School and at Newnham College , Cambridge , where she received a first class in part i ( 1940 ) of the natural sciences tripos and a second in part ii ( division I ) in 1941 .
7 If you control the first link in the food chain — the seed — you are well on the way to controlling the whole food chain .
8 But you would n't have C command , I mean that if you take the first structure in seven , that 's just the one in T three .
9 You see the first church in our parish , was in here .
10 mine are you see the first week in December .
11 We had the first juke-box in the town after the war , the first knickerbocker glories and the first Pepsi-Colas . ’
12 We had the first fridge in our section of the street ( he got it cheap — contacts ) but were late to get a television .
13 13–6–1866 They appointed the first Sabbath in August for the dispensation of the Lord 's Supper and remonstrated with the Kirk Session in Kilmeny who had chosen the same day for their celebration .
14 For many young academics they provide the first step in the ladder of publications , now an essential requisite for career advancement .
15 They planted the first device in a West End store packed with Christmas shoppers and the second in a nearby square where the evacuees were expected to gather .
16 Karajan 's response to Honegger 's Symphonie liturgique and its near contemporary , Strauss 's Metamorphosen , of which he made the first recording in 1947 , provides specifically musical evidence of Karajan 's priorities and allegiances that I have yet to see considered by those who have become so concerned to analyse and recycle often erroneous information about his alleged political sympathies before and during the Second World War .
17 He became the first man in history to walk into a restaurant and trip over a ceiling .
18 For his day 's exploits , he became the first American in the war to be awarded the Légion d'Honneur .
19 Three days later he became the first President in American history to resign his office .
20 He was educated at the Perse School , Cambridge , and won a scholarship to Pembroke College , Cambridge , where he received a first class in part i of the English tripos in 1928 and a first class with distinction in part ii in 1929 .
21 In 1864 he received a first class in classical honour moderations , and then in 1867 a first in literae humaniores , even though he was said to have read no more than half the required books .
22 He obtained a first class in part i ( 1906 ) and a second ( division I ) in part ii ( 1907 ) of the classical tripos .
23 Clough was educated at Rugby School and St John 's College , Cambridge , where he obtained a first class in the natural sciences tripos in 1874 and an MA in 1878 .
24 He obtained a first class in part i of the history tripos in 1941 .
25 He was educated at Marlborough College , to which he had a lifelong devotion , and at Balliol College , Oxford , where he captained both the cricket and hockey XIs and where he obtained a first class in classical honour moderations ( 1924 ) and second classes in mathematical moderations ( 1924 ) and literae humaniores ( 1926 ) .
26 In spite of his desire for Kiku , he spent the first night in Zurachina 's yurt .
27 He spent the first day in bed , after going to the Chinese takeaway to make sure he did n't starve .
28 In 1868 he founded the first lodge in England , ‘ Columbia ’ lodge no. 1 .
29 After winning scholarships at Winchester and at Balliol College , Oxford , he took a first class in literae humaniores in 1924 and was elected to a fellowship of All Souls which he held till 1945 .
30 He slept the first night in a field , feeling lonely , tired , cold and hungry .
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