Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [be] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A good dealer gives a service — everything I sell is in perfect condition and I buy back my stuff if need be . ’
2 Tagalog concepts are directly relevant to the present discussion because the Buid with whom I lived are in daily contact with Tagalog speaking immigrants from neighbouring islands .
3 They occur more commonly , and surgery is more frequently practised upon them ; but what I say is of equal relevance to female-to-male transsexuals .
4 Which I suggest is after that workshop .
5 I 'd a lump on my head the size of a goose egg ; I 'd been through some kind of hell in the spaces ; I 'd prayed for … it was not what I 'd prayed for at all .
6 Yes that 's how that 's how it was , yes all I was on that gate , I 'd been on that gate myself dozens of times .
7 I 'd been at that school for two terms , eight months at the most .
8 ‘ If I 'd been in cold sobriety I would never have married her .
9 I 'd been in this business long enough to know he was lying and that something was going on . ’
10 I hated being on social security and I tried everywhere for a job .
11 I remember being at primary school and the boys went to play football and you sat in the corner playing talking or the boys played football and the girls , would you believe it , got sex education !
12 I remember being in one time , with both ends in , like I were talking about , and we have n't got a road out , we Matter of fact we were trying to break through to another district .
13 I now wish to consider something that I believe is of acute importance to every Member of the House and to millions of people beyond it — the negotiations in which we are currently engaged on the intergovernmental conferences .
14 Well Boris Yeltsin this morning has said that he wants a veto over the use of nuclear weapons and about ninety percent of which I think are on Russian soil , that perhaps can be interpreted , additional safeguard to have another veto .
15 I said do n't hold your breath Elaine but if it 's what I think 's in that carrier bag over there it ai n't a voucher , cos they all were saying
16 It is his recognition that projected activities draw upon a distinctly different kind of energy ( and I include emotional response ) from non-projected activity that I think is of fundamental importance .
17 Eddie I think is worth sheer sort of opening teams up .
18 Well we 've had a go well I think it was for erm some sort of I think was for multiple sclerosis
19 The piece I did is on one side , and on the other is a piece by The Kronos Quartet , called Different Trains . ’
20 one I did was with Caledonian Paper at Irvine and the Finns or the Swedes whoever own
21 My family and I have been subjected to unprovoked stone-throwing and spitting by gangs of youths who I presume are from right wing groups .
22 I had been along this track many times , and this was the first occasion on which I hesitated to pass the rocks .
23 Within a week , I received a duplicated form to fill in stating all my details and demanding proof that I had been on that flight .
24 The morning after I had been to this party at the Spanish Embassy , I received an invitation from the Spanish Ambassador and Señora Puig de la Bellacasa to go to their Farewell Party .
25 I had been in constant pain , since my accident , for nearly two years when I stumbled across the Alexander Technique .
26 All I had was in that crate , its death
27 And I think er Well Pat and I have discussed that a little bit as well , cos I 've been under some pressure in this direction with Alice .
28 I 've been into this look for quite a while now , I know the rules .
29 I mean , you could learn , but I 've been down that road and I do n't want you to follow .
30 Yeah , well I 've b t to tell you honest truth , I 've been on th I 've been down that road .
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