Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [be] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 I read everything I could find about France ( since France was my dream country , where I felt I 'd been meant to be born and grow up … ) and developed a particular passion for the French Revolution , reading all the Scarlet Pimpernel books , the story of the first Madame Tussaud , forced to model the guillotined heads , and everything that I could find that would bring it all to life .
2 And it would be helpful for councillor I would say that I know that there are a third of our members and from the program committees for capital expenditure which I suspect is going to be to excess of the five hundred thousand pounds per year which we actually have .
3 We are restricted somewhat by time , because I want to get everybody back in the main auditorium to listen to what I know is going to be a fantastic lecture by Professor Don , er from Baltimore , which I would certainly recommend that everybody go and see .
4 Why could n't I have been born to be successful and brainy ?
5 I thought I 'd better do all my jobs which I thought was going to be spread across the d the day .
6 on that I think 's gon na be interesting I 'll say oh well I 'd like
7 Anyway we 're going to go for trap two , Smoky Amber here , now she 's a bitch that is really , I think 's going to be something special over a longer trip , erm you know a longer distance , but she is only a March eighty nine so she 's not two yet .
8 The point 's that I think is trying to be made is that there are a lot of people here tonight who do wish to express an opinion and that opinion is not necessarily formulated in question form .
9 I think white actually is the best colour because it Yeah , anything else I think is going to be .
10 A part of that obviously I think is going to be that there was an expected higher level of productivity than we 've actually achieved , cos you know in January I think in , in Christine 's area for example , to start off with I mean er er er productivity plummeted erm and it 's now , and she changed the system and , and one or two other things .
11 Yes , I 'd just like to support this view about erm but I think the construction will tip the balance as to the way traffic going er from London towards will route erm and I think is gon na be the main victim .
12 The , the last one that I bought was going to be easy , but oh .
13 I 've been trying to be a footballer , and that is n't me .
14 ‘ The one consolation is that my husband Samuel and David and I have been invited to be in the audience when Go For It is filmed .
15 ‘ Because I have been born in England , I have been taught to be independent , original and to think for myself .
16 Japan remains tied to the Western camp partly because the relationship has become integral to her economy and politics over forty years ' association , and partly because it appears to offer the best defence against Soviet aggression and encroachment — a long-standing fear — in Northeast Asia , and the best hope of Japan 's integrity overall in a world where she has been proved to be economically and militarily vulnerable .
17 ‘ You were afraid of the light because you 'd been taught to be afraid of it , ’ said Rachaela .
18 She 'd been flattered to be asked , of course .
19 If she 'd been pretending to be busy before , she really was busy now .
20 She 'd been wanting to be my best friend for ages .
21 She 'd been required to be beautiful and talented and independent , but she had n't wanted to be any of those things .
22 He 'd travelled half round the world , seen and done things she could only guess at , while she 'd never been further than Kingswood when she 'd been taken to be viewed as apprentice to a nailmaker .
23 Erm well just go to the final question now I mean Erm when th now the flats are emptying out and they 're coming down , erm and what what do you see is gon na be the problem ?
24 Alternatively , just hang plants from hooks above the window , or stand small pots of plants along the windowsill , making sure that the ones you select are going to be happy with the kind of light , temperature and humidity you are providing .
25 Its sign consisted of a portrait of a woman 's head , styled in what she guessed was intended to be Tudor fashion .
26 At Orbec , twenty kilometres from Lisieux , is the Caneton , a restaurant which you know is going to be good as soon as you enter its doors — the smell is so appetizing — but it is small and not exactly unknown , so it is prudent to telephone for a table in advance .
27 If you have a good and close relationship with your mother you should be able to talk to her , but sometimes things are not even as straightforward as this , and if you are close to someone who you know is going to be upset or disappointed in you , it may be even harder to do .
28 For white middleclass males , however , pride and dignity has little resonance , when all your life you 've been trained to be aspirational and competitive .
29 When she was eighteen and had actually been accepted at Chelsea Art School , she had been determined to be somebody wonderful , somebody famous , like Amelia Earhart or Margaret Mead .
30 There was astonishment also at what Sylvie Guillem could do with her legs , and excited suspense was also manifested over the question of whether Inès de la Fressange was coming or whether she had been deemed to be too much associated with Chanel and had therefore , in spite of being a close personal friend of Christian 's , been unceremoniously dumped .
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