Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [conj] he [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but I mean it depends what sort of bloke he is , and I mean if he is like that
2 And I suppose if he 's in there
3 That 's what I thought because he 's on the , he 's by himself is n't he ?
4 I wonder if he is in any way related to the Paul Hamlyn ?
5 Oh right I I was just thinking of sort of trying to you know cos he 's in his second year now for the
6 The Lord has given her Psalm 91 and Psalm 121 to hold on to and she knows that He is in control of the situation .
7 Are we to assume that he is to be honoured for his illustrious career as US Secretary of State for Defence ?
8 In the novel itself , where we might expect Marmeladov to speak of solace , respite , forgetting , companionship , he grasps the paradox that he drinks because he is in search of suffering , of ‘ tears and tribulation ’ .
9 Afterwards in the Shoulder of Mutton ( Kneeton Park 1 Knayton 1 ) it transpired that he 's in what used to be known as Tin Pan Alley probably the only manager in the Hambleton Combination ( third division ) who 's also been a manager of the Bay City Rollers .
10 Well as he says when he 's at home he likes to get down the pub with the boys for a pint because of course it is dry Up There .
11 I know Feargal lammed into you , ’ she added wryly , ‘ but he does n't mean the half of what he says when he 's in a temper .
12 A man who tells every woman that he meets that he is in love with her ? ’
13 I suppose it can be the same I think it 's just a bit more extreme like the characteristic he shows when he 's in female company like erm just like going over the top the way he acts
14 As he put it , ‘ He reverts when he is with naughty children . ’
15 Er he said or he 's in a in a in a little trouble today for allowing two men who had sex of thirteen to go free erm a policeman told the judge that the thirteen year old was more like Mandy Smith than the proverbial school girl with pigtails but she was nevertheless thirteen and the judge said he had better not say she was no angel or the national press would have a hundred field days with him .
16 He will never be content , so long as he knows that he is in our debt . ’
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