Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adv] give him a " in BNC.

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1 If I did n't give him a square meal on Monaghan Day he 'd drink himself stupid in Mohill . ’
2 A month ago I did n't give him a dog 's chance , but a funny thing seems to have happened on the way to X-ray . ’
3 I did n't give him a chance to say anything , just said I was coming to his place right that minute , and then I put the phone down . ’
4 Yes , but I 've , I 've only given him a lump figure you see .
5 I have n't given him a thought for years … ’
6 Perhaps you 'd better give him a pop over hurdles tomorrow . ’
7 when he gets , when daddy comes home you 'd better give him a big cuddle and ask him
8 She turned slowly to give him a long , searching look and decided he must have become expert at keeping his emotions on a tight rein .
9 Davide caught his start when she leant over to give him a clean plate , how he set his chair straight and then , after a falter , flowed on , hammering the air with his clenched hands as he made his points , as if determined not to notice her .
10 If you do n't give him a yardstick , you get this .
11 After all , she had signed Sting in the first place ( she had even given him a list of music-business lawyers to consult at the time , but he had used the Newcastle lawyer because he was cheaper ) .
12 The answer came suddenly , a slap in the face that made her wince : because , on the only occasion when Merrill had actually confronted him with her suspicions — had brought them right out into the open — she had n't given him a chance to explain .
13 Well he reckons we 're losing our business now because we did n't give him a deal
14 In my opinion , they did n't give him a chance .
15 They 've already given him a taste of the castor oil , a bout of gaol , a bit of a beating , just a tickle , a caress of their united methods , but still , you know , you 'd think it was enough , it has kept so many others from singing .
16 He always understood that the papal decree imposed on himself an absolute personal obligation of obedience , but it did not give him a general responsibility for promoting the principle , or for enforcing the obedience of others .
17 I 'm surprised it did n't give him a heart attack there and then .
18 And of course that was why Hardy had taken against him , why he had left him on the sidelines any time he picked a team for some action , why he had now given him a job that he knew anyone else in the unit would have balked at .
19 well I think he likes never give him a , a chance when he 's here
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