Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pron] was [v-ing] at " in BNC.

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1 I had nearly got myself killed back there : what on earth did I think I was playing at ?
2 A firm , insistent hand between my shoulder-blades pushed me further into the room ; my feet moved , but my body refused to follow and I realised I was standing at an angle .
3 I noticed she was looking at me carefully .
4 As she turned to wait for me at the end of the path , I felt I was looking at her for the first time : her face paler than her arms , a blonde shadow on her upper lip , no lipstick .
5 It was no accident , and I knew I was looking at several hundred pounds ' worth of damage .
6 Then , as I turned before leaving , I saw she was grinning at me .
7 Well , I called in there today for cigars and I saw this young woman ; and you remember the one that was in the sweet shop , she was so nice and obliging ; well I thought I was looking at her twin .
8 At first glance I thought I was looking at a cross between a gibbon and a goat .
9 I thought he was looking at the station as if , to see if a train was in or something
10 I thought he was laughing at me , that he did n't want to see me , but then he stopped me and he made me a little bow , just like a real gentleman , and gave me a present , as if he did care .
11 I thought he was laughing at me .
12 The first day a tyre burst with such a loud crack I thought someone was shooting at us .
13 They 're coming back on the first Wednesday of next month with a bus load of about forty Women 's Institute members — ’ She broke off as she realised he was staring at her in horror .
14 With a stab of pain she realised he was laughing at her .
15 When she announced she was leaving at the end of the term , I felt this to be the final betrayal , although I could not blame her , even then .
16 She says one was driving at about 70 mph and could have hit her .
17 Or had she thought he was staring at her ?
18 She thought she was peaking at just the right time for her battle of the sexes match with Jimmy Connors scheduled for Las Vegas on September 24 with a 500,000 dollar first prize .
19 I think she thought I was crying at firs , I think I might have been , but then she started laughing too , with her face all twisted to one side as if she 'd been to the dentist , and she kept gasping and saying , " Ooh , it hurts !
20 She knew she was clutching at straws but nothing would get her up the West End .
21 She knew she was smiling at him .
22 His head turned , and although she could only just see the shadow of his eyes she knew he was looking at her .
23 A snort from the pony interrupted her day dreaming ; and immediately her slight body stiffened : walking quickly down the road towards her was a man , and even over the distance she knew he was smiling at her .
24 She knew he was laughing at her .
25 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
26 The man smiled at her and though she did n't understand why , she felt he was laughing at her .
27 And she went from here about er well she said she was going at quarter past two .
28 She said he was laughing at that time and she just wanted to frighten him . ’
29 ‘ I thought it might be useful if we knew what was happening at court while we were in the south . ’
30 ( I have to say I was n't in the room with him thought I was working at the Daily Mail at the time . )
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