Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pron] be up to " in BNC.

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1 So I have undertook to do that , I 've done it and er I mean it 's up to you as to which date you choose .
2 But I mean it 's up to you if results are very simple you can sort of say , Oh well sixty percent went this way and forty
3 I mean it 's up to you to display the data in the way that you think 's best .
4 I imagine it 's up to you whether you take the work or not ? ’
5 I hope you are up to the job .
6 Colm Toibin 's piece will be a hard act to follow but I suspect you are up to it .
7 ‘ Well , that would n't altogether surprise me because I know you 're up to something , buying second-hand clothes from those dotty old maids next door .
8 I know you 're up to something , Maggie .
9 Anyway , when I saw he was n't going to do anything about it , I figured it was up to me to make friends with Ibrahim and find out what he was doing .
10 I suppose it 's up to me .
11 And I suppose it 's up to us like the erm the old stagers to we should know better and I think Tom the Union chap , he 's he can see that and he wants to avoid it cos he 's got to speak to the lot of them ?
12 I suppose it is up to old John Knox .
13 I feel it 's up to me to put the record straight . ’
14 That 's all well if you want it erased , I will I mean it 's up to you entirely
15 I knew they were up to something , ’ added Mr Fractor .
16 Well , I knew he was Up to something because , with the old nurse , he 's always had the injections in his arm .
17 I think she 's up to something , ’ he said .
18 Oh , I think it 's up to the council Chairer to say what , what procedure should be so , in fairness , .
19 Now I think it 's up to the G M B to push this debate out , and we should say energy is the lifeblood of the U K , not the lifeblood of the speculators in the City of London , or the Tory Party , it 's the lifeblood of the people in this hall , and the people outside , and I think we should support a proper balanced energy policy for the U K.
20 But you see with this bank thing with the government , you can have a loan I think it 's up to about four thousand pound like a restart .
21 If so , I think it is up to you to state them .
22 Er has been to see me about it , but I 've said that the initiative for farm watch has got to come from them , I said , we 're not gon na stand up and draw up a load of support and expect us to service the damn thing , I said it 's up to you and your members to do it , and I still think he 's trying to get us to do it via the back door , He 's been to talk to me now about it , and I 've told him exactly what I want to do and that we we 'll be involved , but it ai n't gon na be a police run scheme , it 's gon na be a farmer 's run scheme with police support locally .
23 " And what the Hell do you think you 're up to ? "
24 What the hell do you think you 're up to ?
25 ‘ What do you think you 're up to ? ’
26 She says it is up to local authorities to ensure voluntary groups do not miss out .
27 So you know it was up to you to sort of prove yourself from from there .
28 So when I asked Karen what she thought she was up to , I was merely expressing my irritation and anxiety at this interruption .
29 Perhaps she felt it was up to her to enter the ‘ artistic ’ world to which Arnold remained a devoted but remote outsider .
30 ‘ It 's not up to me to ask you what you think you 're up to , ’ her grandfather began , when they were once more alone together with Xanthe in the sitting room of their hotel suite .
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