Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] be in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I want to be in your place ’ collapses temporarily into ‘ I want you ’ ; identification merges with desire , which is then a desire to be/displace the male as other .
2 What would n't I give to be in your shoes now !
3 And also in section one paragraph one point three I have ranked the criteria set out in policy H two plus two additional criteria of my own , in what I believe to be in their order of significance in relation to the questions that we 're considering .
4 Lochinver was a magnet , largely because of the strange mountains I knew to be in its vicinity , and I longed to go there .
5 But you want to be in your office to answer that , properly , yes ?
6 Do you wan na be in my gang , my gang , my gang
7 Do you wan na be in my gang , my gang
8 Do you wan na be in my gang , my gang
9 Do you wan na be in my gang my gang
10 She happened to be in her uniform .
11 Within seconds she was confronted by a tall man whom she took to be in his late forties , but who , she guessed , could n't be quite that if he was Rosie 's brother .
12 Who would you pick to be in your very small team of say perhaps four people ?
13 Since she was the same age as Julius , she had to be in her mid-thirties , but her skin was smooth and unlined .
14 Without his so much as kissing her , a raging desire had seized her , and she longed to be in his arms , in his bed , in his heart .
15 So this last time she wanted to be in her office , correct and professional at the right time .
16 As the sound system blared out Gary Glitter 's ‘ Do You Wan na be in My Gang ’ , he would lunge towards the crowd as he entered the ring at Finsbury Park 's Rainbow .
17 I 'm sorry about that , it really is more of a second thought , although I do n't want to go into any detail and I 'd like , like any broad that you have to be in my mind in this case at least
18 ‘ To be easily recognized , ’ I said , ‘ you have to be in your usual environment .
19 In the Bible miracles are not as sharply divided from other events as they tend to be in our thinking .
20 It has to be in her name .
21 It has to be in our interests … for us to try to get more jobs in West Belfast … that is the way in which we will reduce the terrorist menace , by making people economically independent from terrorism .
22 Although Uaru are not noted for equipment bashing , they have been known to move it gently aside , or even to spawn on it if it happens to be in their chosen spot .
23 I asked Maureen about this strange and spectacular bird , and she told me how it came to be in her care .
24 It seemed to be in his blood .
25 Benjamin Titford , we must say , was not quite as elevated socially as he appears to be in his water-colour portrait ; or rather , he had only recently become so — which was good enough , after all , for any Victorian member of the nouveaux-riches .
26 He looked to be in his early-to-mid-fifties , and was running to fat , and when he took off his topee it was to wipe the sweat from a pink , bald head .
27 He appeared to be in his late thirties .
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