Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So I told them what I would do , but once again I 've never been in the situation but this is what I 'll do , said as if they were me own parents make them as comfortable as I could while I 'll cleaned up and give them a bed bath or if they could shower , shower them and erm and get everything back to normal as quick as possible , fine , that were all fine she , and then as , as I got up from it they all said thanks a lot Joy it has been great you really have been great you 've made it easy , we 've got an easy day in front thanks to you , you know you 're bubbly and all this and then when she phoned me on the Sunday she said hello Joy it 's Sue here and I , I said will you let me know one way or the another cos I said I hate being left up in the air
2 I made some toast and a cup of tea .
3 Er now I mean One thing that a lot of the literature says is that this might indicate a power , and another thing that the literature says
4 I stress that point because the fashionable view of some London-based political commentators is that regional government has become popular among Labour party members in England only as a response to the position in Scotland .
5 I dismissed this concept because the seriality of placement would have imposed a formal composition on the hall isolating the installation from the conditions and functions of the architecture .
6 Yes , I know , yes but I mean it 's interesting at lunch time I had a , I had a working lunch with someone and a month after we had finished all the work and stuff , we got on to a whole pile of other things and , and I was talking about some of the -ists and one of the -ists I was talking about was feminism and how I 'd been in an amazing meeting a few weeks ago where you know I used that word and the women , it was all a meeting with women , the women there had absolutely freaked at the use of the word feminism and feminists .
7 A twenty-one-year-old mother of two small children in Coventry said , " I told social security that the children 's shoes were too small , but they would n't give us a grant .
8 I noted this morning that the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) now at last admits that there is a world situation which is on a downturn .
9 ‘ The campus looks neat , and I am proud of the new buildings , but as one looks down Richmond Road , the image is of derelict mills — I hope one day that the University will own all the derelict land and that we will expand our campus on to it . ’
10 I fired one frame and the secret service guy put his hand up .
11 It was broad daylight when I read this passage and the sunlight that radiated through the high plate-glass windows illuminated a scene of modernity and order .
12 It is not a question of being frightened of the dark ( although it can be pretty spooky on an out-of-the-way water ) , it is because I enjoy good company and a long night becomes more enjoyable with someone there to chat with ; to share the pleasure of catching big fish , or the lesser pleasure of blanking .
13 I loved that job and the money was good , oh god yes !
14 I knew one family where the husband hung himself facing the front door so that his body would be the first thing his wife would see as she came in .
15 In the preceding section I gave ample evidence that the fear is unjustified .
16 I think that privacy and a sense of owning your own body and knowing its boundaries is quite a difficult thing for girls to achieve in a world in which female bodies are plastered on every billboard , and when you walk down the street those boundaries can so easily be invaded by men commenting on the size of your breasts or on what you are wearing .
17 I could have quoted basically the same words from almost any Jehovah 's Witness tract , but I choose this book because a reputable publisher ( Pan Books Ltd ) saw fit to publish it , despite a very large number of errors which would quickly have been spotted if an unemployed biology graduate , or indeed undergraduate , had been asked to glance through the manuscript .
18 When I learned one day that an amateur American flyer had set ‘ the world 's record ’ in altitude for a single-engined aircraft , carrying two to a height of more than 18,000 feet , I saw the possibility of a news story if I could beat that record .
19 He looked at me and said ’ Last time I voted Liberal Democrat and the time before that I voted Liberal Democrat , but this time it 's serious so I 'm going to vote Tory . ’
20 I was the youngest member of the party , and perhaps because of my youth I had more hope than the others .
21 McJannet recalled : ‘ I had another rest before the problem flared up again after the FA Cup game with Hartlepool United .
22 Hugh de Tracy refused me his daughter as if I had less worth than the slave who cleans out the garderobe tunnel .
23 I had some idea that the record-player must be in Conchis 's room .
24 " I had some tea and an aspirin .
25 I 'm not qualified to judge whether the grief his mother felt on the death of his elder brother had an adverse effect on Mr Barrie 's emotional development , nor do I care one way or the other .
26 I take that view because the point has never been decided by this court or in the House of Lords and , as I have explained above , this court , in considering whether private corporations can sue for libel at common law , has not laid down any principle which is conclusive of the point raised in this case .
27 I have little doubt that a major force in the moulding of the law in this form is to be found in the practitioners ' text books of the time , notably Bullen & Leake 's Precedents of Pleadings , 3rd ed. ( 1868 ) , p. 50 , and Leake 's Law of Contracts , 5th ed. ( 1906 ) , p. 61 ; we can see this reflected in the form of the arguments advanced in the cases , and the manner in which the court reacted to submissions by counsel challenging the accepted view .
28 I have little doubt that the ‘ Nicas ’ are spawning , but the plec is making a midnight feast of the eggs .
29 I have little doubt that the alteration was the composer 's own — particularly since the trill added to the piano part in the answering phrase ( it has no parallel in the violin part of the Septet ) serves to give variety to the ‘ echo ’ , as a substitute for the change from major to minor .
30 I have more say than the people I look out on , nomads , tide-people .
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