Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] [verb] bring [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A line of the malabars , named after the Indian immigrants who had brought them to the colony , had been drawn up under the trees in the square outside the Continental Palace Hotel when they emerged to go to Cholon with Jacques and Paul Devraux to buy the last of their hunting supplies .
2 And the missing army of workers who had brought him to life .
3 Mr Koc recalled asking Mr Ata Nur Kuntar , one of the Turks who had brought him to Britain , what had happened .
4 Mr Koc recalled asking Mr Ata Nur Kuntar , one of the Turks who had brought him to Britain , what had happened .
5 If I had ever thought of the possibility of being taken prisoner while I was in England , I should have expected all Germans to be like the officer who had tried to interrogate me at the aerodrome or the two soldiers who had brought me from the aerodrome to Amsterdam .
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