Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] [verb] [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Readers who have been following this series will remember that the latter pair were met in Part 5 ( March , 1992 issues ) .
2 A few years later , however , the distant future showed every indication of having already arrived when these nagging anxieties grabbed the headlines around the large numbers of recruits who had been found unfit for service in the Boer War , and in spite of the half-hearted reassurances of the Physical Deterioration Committee of 1904 fears of racial deterioration were rampant .
3 First , it is quite obvious that there are a great many first-class candidates who have been made redundant .
4 Most FRES members support this view , saying that there is little evidence of discrimination against candidates who have been made redundant .
5 It may seem ironic to onlookers that the very parents who have been complaining loud and long about the difficulty of sharing their home with impossible teenage children , should be lamenting the fact that they 've left , only a few months later .
6 A record of the companies who have been given this dispensation should be held in order that this may be checked by the auditors .
7 Members range from major companies who have been using home-based workers for years to self-employed solicitors , translators and public relations people .
8 I was disillusioned with all the experts who 'd been predicting one thing or another ; they obviously did n't know any more than anybody else .
9 Representatives from the recently formed Forum for the Defence of Human Rights met on Feb. 12 with the then Interior Minister Hekuran Isai , and received from him a list of 108 political prisoners who had been released unannounced since Jan. 6 , according to a Forum statement issued on Feb. 18 .
10 In the 1960s the emphasis was on labour-intensive industries such as textiles and consumer electronics to employ the thousands of workers who had been left redundant by the withdrawal of the British .
11 The ideas carried in the individual features , including an end to mass unemployment , a planned economy , a comprehensive system of social security and health care , a clean sweep of all that was old-fashioned and squalid in housing and the urban legacy of the industrial revolution , and many more , represented a virtual glossary of progressive views current in the Britain of the 1930s and its contributors a fair cross-section of the high-minded and socially concerned individuals who had been advocating these and similar ideas well before the outbreak of war .
12 Coun Shephard said : ‘ I have a letter from a headmaster and have spoken to families who have been told this .
13 A NORTH Wales council wants to ‘ buy time ’ for families who face being made homeless because of mortgage arrears .
14 Under that scheme , owners who face being made homeless due to mortgage arrears are allowed to stay in their homes as tenants for 12 months as the council takes up a head lease .
15 There was no evidence to suggest that anxious patients who had been given detailed information became more distressed afterwards ( fig 2 ; r=0.18 , p=0.23 ) .
16 Cy-A is credited with having doubled the survival rate of leukaemia patients who have been given new bone marrow at the Westminster Hospital , London .
17 CSOs may well assist doctors in the management of some difficult patients , but they will do little to assist those patients who have been denied proper care and treatment — whether through lack of resources , shortage of hospital beds , or ineffective use and misunderstanding of the powers already available under the Mental Health Act 1983 .
18 Then worries rush into her consciousness , as into his , like clamorous patients who have been waiting all night for the doctor 's surgery to open ; but she deals with them in a rational , orderly manner .
19 Christian leaders who had been contemplating such a move have been backing off .
20 Analysts said Mr Muawad faced the task of uniting militia leaders who have been fighting each other for 14 years .
21 Scientists who have been preparing commissioned material for publication in Western journals and books are having their manuscripts frozen , often without notification and , at best , with a curt note from the publishers .
22 The S A S are already there and there are people that have been shot dead , unarmed people , civilians who 've been shot dead by the S A S.
23 The three members who have been chosen this year are Ron Waldron and John Ryan , two former national coaches , and John Maclean , one of the union 's national representatives who is also chairman of Llanelli .
24 Many law firms have already laid off employees : a large Midlands firm has got rid of 35 ; a firm in East Anglia is about to shed some conveyancing staff ; and the Law Society 's Young Solicitors Group has set up a helpline to provide counselling and advice for young lawyers who have been made redundant .
25 Many law firms have already laid off employees : a large Midlands firm has got rid of 35 ; a firm in East Anglia is about to shed some conveyancing staff ; and the Law Society 's Young Solicitors Group has set up a helpline to provide counselling and advice for young lawyers who have been made redundant .
26 Later that season he joined the select band of Palace players who have been awarded two Testimonials or Benefit matches by Crystal Palace FC .
27 Then he went erm into the Navy for a short time and for some unknown reason he managed to get out of the Navy and came as Mr 's Personal Assistant and erm one of his jobs was to erm get these pe children sorted out and I used to write no end of letters for him to erm places like erm Ilford and Wanstead and mainly the northern suburbs of London erm about certain children who had been attending central schools which were something , which were something that erm East Suffolk could n't offer and erm trying to decide whether they ought to go to grammar school or one of the area schools as they we then were
28 The coffee stall proved to be very successful and R. T. Smith , who had a heart of gold and a knack of handling welfare problems , gave up his job with Thornycroft 's , in order to found , in 1880 , the Chiswick Mission and he was successful in finding homes for children who had been left motherless , but were not eligible to be accepted into orphanages .
29 The first to enter are the daughters of the infidel Indian kings who have been taken captive during that year .
30 Last night , the acting convener , Tommy Gorman , said the workforce was disgusted at the way in which the 67 men who had been made redundant had been treated and the fact they would receive the minimum statutory payoffs .
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