Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] were [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Characteristics which were found to be statistically significant in their relation to manufacturing employment change were deemed to be contributory causes of it .
2 Thrifts were banned by law from investing in equities which were deemed to be too risky .
3 The public good defence for performances which were proved to be ‘ in the interests of drama , opera , ballet or any other art , or of literature or learning ’ omitted the words ‘ or other objects of general concern ’ , thereby rejecting the so-called ‘ therapeutic defence ’ according to which pornography was claimed to be ‘ psychologically beneficial ’ to some persons ‘ in that it relieves their sexual tensions and may divert them from anti-social activities ’ .
4 The changes also anticipate many of the demands which were expected to be made at opposition rallies tomorrow in Sofia and the provinces where calls are expected for the resignation of many of the figures ousted yesterday .
5 For examples of bye-laws which were held to be ultra vires , see Scottish General Transport Co. v. Glasgow Corporation , 1928 S.C .
6 It began as a protest against the alleged peremptory nature of the decision by the NCB to close some working coal mines which were said to be uneconomic .
7 Local education authorities which were found to be abusing their powers risked direct action by Whitehall , he said in a letter to 108 chief education officers in England .
8 ‘ Regulations , directives and decisions of the Council and of the Commission shall state the reasons on which they are based and shall refer to any proposals or opinions which were required to be obtained pursuant to this Treaty . ’
9 Furthermore this number underestimates the number of external programmes which were expected to be attended during 1984/5 because a number of authorities ( 16 in our sample ) were not able to indicate or estimate this , in the spring of 1984 :
10 Yet it was undeniable that the Conservative political pressure to extend rural electrification had led to a diversion of scarce capital resources into investments which were known to be unremunerative and in fact turned out to be so .
11 Their erm conditions were very basic , and I took two fluffy hot water bottles which were going to be used as incubators for the premature babies , that 's all they had , and I took out lots of needles and the surgical gloves and a special instrument for operations .
12 Areas where the legislation was felt to be insufficiently strong included many rights which were considered to be beneficial in theory but ineffectual in practice .
13 Right up to the nineteenth century the winegrowers of Anjou and Touraine would refer to their best wines as " vins pour la mer " , the wines which were going to be taken down to the sea via Nantes .
14 Disillusion grew as the list of names which were destined to be graven into the monument at Alexandra Square slowly grew .
15 The anti-social childhood behaviours which were found to be significantly associated with adult sociopathy were : pathological lying , lack of guilt , sexual perversion , impulsiveness , truanting , being a runaway , physical aggression , a poor employment record , premarital intercourse , theft , incorrigibility , staying out late , having ‘ bad ’ associates and recklessness .
16 Their memorandum on US policy towards Indo-China recognized the possibility that without what it called ‘ a bolder political approach ’ the French — and the US — might well be heading into a debâcle which neither could afford ; but the drastic political measures which were reckoned to be necessary would have to be a matter for voluntary decision by the French government .
17 In general , the NCp7 mutants which were shown to be active in promoting NCp7:RNA interactions ( 6 ) ( dimerization and annealing of the primer tRNA to the PBS ) interacted effectively with HIV-1 DNA fragments , indicating that the same residues are involved .
18 Only those correlations which were found to be significantly greater than zero at the one percent level will be discussed here .
19 Management could be faced ‘ with severe economic losses if it failed to take into account their views , or to win their consent on issues which were felt to be of major importance by the workforce ’ ( p. 314 ) .
20 In all six companies the corporate planning department formulated a list of environmental issues which were considered to be of key importance to the company as a whole .
21 They identified a variety of factors which were found to be held in common by a number of American companies recognised as meeting the criteria for excellence .
22 This was undoubtedly due partly to the war and partly because the statutes contained criteria which were felt to be less justiciable : if the minister stated that a regulation concerning trademarks was necessary for securing the safety of the realm the court would not adjudicate upon this .
23 Here , as before , we see how claims which were thought to be just and well-attested in practice , were in danger of extinction from the lack of the documents which met the requirements of a new age .
24 The species difference between animals and human beings can give rise to quite different reactions , as in the case of penicillin , digitalis , and aspirin , and with drugs which were thought to be safe after pre-clinical tests upon animals , such as thalidomide , clioquinol , osmosin , opren , and eraldin , the results were human death and tragedy .
25 Following the meeting a US military excavation team carried out its first MIA search in Cambodia ; it announced on March 23 that it had recently unearthed some remains which were believed to be of members of US television crews killed in Cambodia in 1970 .
26 Later , at nearby Snow Hill police station , he gave breath samples which were reported to be positive .
27 For many years it had been thought that high fever had certain curative properties , and some patients were deliberately exposed to mosquitoes which were known to be carrying the malarial parasite in the hope that the resulting infection and high temperature would have a beneficial effect on the disease process .
28 Outdoor relief was removed , and the indsigent were consigned to workhouses which were designed to be punitively unattractive .
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