Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] they [vb mod] not be " in BNC.

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1 His silence about Megara is not complete : Pericles is described as telling the Athenians that they will not be going to war over a trifle , if they refuse to rescind the Megarian decree as the Spartans demand .
2 A few days before the hearing of the father 's application , the local authority informed his solicitors that they would not be opposing the application .
3 The minority , the tiny minority , succeeded in persuading the American authorities that they should not be returned .
4 The last point can be essential to persuade major companies that they will not be used as ‘ stalking horses ’ and that the major effort and expense put in by them will not be wasted .
5 Decisions about them — their expansion , scope , and so on have such important economic implications that they can not be , and are not , taken simply in the light of our knowledge of social needs .
6 Judgements made in the course of a lecture will be taken down in notes as if they were facts , whereas it is in the nature of critical judgements that they can not be taken over by others ; it is on this dilemma , I believe , that Leavisism ultimately foundered .
7 Advertisements for the bonds in the USA had assured prospective buyers that they would not be required to disclose their identities or the source of their funds .
8 The Elves hid themselves in caves , woods and mountainsides and prayed to their gods that they would not be found , and that a hero would emerge to deliver them from this evil .
9 It was in the interests of the Great Powers that they could not be held bound by a treaty to which they had not formally become a party while , as will be seen , a number of the exceptions to the classic rule enabled them to impose their will upon weaker entities .
10 ‘ They informed the prison officers that they would not be locking up and that there would be no attacks on staff .
11 Will he bear it in mind that the law as it stands does great injustice and that many women are suffering life sentences that they should not be suffering ?
12 Nevertheless , there was considerable anxiety among advisers that they would not be adequately prepared for the changeover .
13 Works councils have been particularly important in securing improvements in working conditions and other non-wage elements since many of these are so specific to individual workplaces that they can not be regulated by means of a general , industry-wide agreement .
14 I think of my role as trying to guide them with the interface of the business side , the bits that they might not be interested in or do n't want to be involved in .
15 There is always the risk with workplace ballots that they will not be properly conducted , which is why we think that it is infinitely preferable to have postal ballots .
16 The dreams cease to bear much relation to reality , but are so important to both men that they can not be awakened from , controlled or stopped , by anything short of death .
17 They have come to the conclusion that , from the point of view of the welfare of the children , it is more important to the children that they should not be separated from each other than that either child should go to one of the grandmothers .
18 When using a rewarding strategy , it is important to make it quite plain to children that they will not be rewarded if they have previously asked for a reward ( 'Mummy , if I do my homework can I stay up late ? ' ) and to apply this rule rigorously .
19 Quite apart from enhancing its reputation , it also reassures other agents that they will not be forgotten .
20 A communiqué passed to the government on Nov. 22 by a group of prominent citizens known as " the notables " , believed to mediating between the government and the Medellín drug cartel , contained an offer from the cartel that between 200 and 300 of their members would surrender to stand trial if they received official assurances that they would not be extradited to another country .
21 Some of these aspects may well combine in complex and inexplicable ways in the learning process and clearly the teacher can not take the chance of depriving learners of effective learning conditions on the grounds that they can not be explained or controlled .
22 Special schools provide education for children with special needs , on the grounds that they can not be educated satisfactorily in an ordinary school .
23 Since distinct evidence for political actions is contained overwhelmingly in official records , repudiating the use of other forms of cultural documents on the grounds that they can not be clearly interpreted becomes an implicit acceptance of the state 's officially articulated view of social , political and cultural organisation .
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