Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] she [verb] not [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 All the loving and giving of small luxuries and necessities that she had not thought of herself , and the expected regularity of their attendance at those sumptuous Sunday luncheons , encroached dangerously on the precious isolation of life at Kileady .
2 Yeah but she 's got an honours that she has n't deserved .
3 She had been so caught up in her memories that she had n't heard him approaching .
4 She had a little flat in the Falls , a house she shared with girlfriends , her family home being in a village outside Derry , and she told him in blunt terms that she had n't seen enough of him at it for too damn long , at it or anywhere else .
5 Liz agreed to contact some old friends that she had not seen since before the break-up of the relationship with her boyfriend .
6 Mrs Allen 's body was found at her Harberton Park home on Tuesday morning after a senior officer at the Maze informed Banbridge police that she had not turned up for work .
7 Miss Giles had earlier told Wells Street magistrates that she had not considered the film to be ‘ a very hot potato ’ and had not realised she was breaking the law when she showed it to about 120 people last April .
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