Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] [pers pn] 've been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But certainly there was no objection in principle from the County Council 's Highway Authority and acting as agents for the Department of Transport , as trunk road agent , as a matter of principle , to any of the sectors that we 've been discussing today .
2 Our own experience from several of the projects that we 've been looking at which are in-service type projects , is that when we do train teachers and when we do put an investment in it , we see the pay-off in the schools that physical science does get done in schools , it is fun and it is exciting .
3 Our own experience from several of the projects that we 've been looking at which are in-service type projects , is that when we do train teachers and when we do put an investment in it , we see the pay-off in the schools that physical science does get done in schools , it is fun and it is exciting .
4 As I understand the Leeds position , they want what they call a lev a level playing field , or to be aiming at the same goalposts that they 've been aiming at for the last number of years .
5 Because the kind of earthly and human illustrations that I 've been trying to use this morning are all bound to fall short .
6 So I could n't agree more , and that will be taken up in the fairly near future , following the information that I 've been gathering in the various meetings that I 've been having round the country on this .
7 I 've already mentioned the groups that you 've been allocated to .
8 The circles in the groups that you 've been going
9 ‘ Yeah , it 's a collection of tunes that I 've been working on for a while .
10 It wo n't be very good for the petrol companies that I 've been visiting here today , but every cloud tends to have it 's silver lining , and I , I think I can say with some confidence that the last factor that we 're considering is pouring over the revenues and wondering how much is coming in , that , that really has n't much come into it .
11 Nicola , you suffered some of the side effects that we 've been hearing about tonight , and then things got really bad .
12 I mean in the periods that I 've been coming down and coming over , and it 's been a fairly regular basis , I should imagine every manager and director or university employee has put forward every conceivable way in which that particular building could be used .
13 But before I move on to suggest we have a break for coffee , is there anyone else would like to pick up any points on the demographic matters that we 've been discussing , leaving aside the discussions on migration .
14 Erm , we ca n't just ignore the responsibilities that we 've been given .
15 This seems erm , over the top , I erm , I do n't honestly think the provision of garages is absolutely essential in the light of the things that we 've been cutting up which are essential , erm , and in number two .
16 Yes , I think that as David said one of the things that we 've been working at very hard in recent years in teacher training is to try to improve the quality and the content of reading courses generally , and then I think it is also necessary to draw attention to teachers of this problem of dyslexia .
17 Well obviously there is change and one of the things that we 've been doing for International Women 's celebrations during March , because we 're having a whole month of activities , is
18 You know communications is a very big area there 's a lot to be talked about erm certainly rapport and leading and things like that you asked for that we could 've done a lot more with , the type of language people use we could do a lot more with but when we 've got a limited time we 're gon na have to take a limited snapshot and I hope that what we 've done so far today you found useful and I hope when we put it into practice tomorrow maybe you can understand a little bit more of some of things that we 've been talking about today .
19 The responsibility will now be theirs and they 'd better get on with it and better show things that they 've been arguing and get along .
20 Erm , it does n't matter what I propose , whether it actually makes out things that they 've been talking about or whether it 's completely found something to criticise about it .
21 also some of the things that I 've been going on with , doing this one with three , and I do n't know if it , they 'll stay in the can long enough for that .
22 But , by and large , and Wanda was an exception , all the things in life that I 've most enjoyed have been the things that I 've been paid really very little for , and most of the things that I 've been paid most for have been the least interesting .
23 But , by and large , and Wanda was an exception , all the things in life that I 've most enjoyed have been the things that I 've been paid really very little for , and most of the things that I 've been paid most for have been the least interesting .
24 Is it true the things that you 've been declaring about yourself ?
25 We also have a a budgeting process er for the er for the firm 's year and we 're right in the throes of that right now for next year for ninety four , ninety five but it wo n't be any surprise to you that the recession er hit the office like any other business or the businesses that you go and see , er quite significantly , er the businesses that we 've been looking after , they 've stopped investing , they 've stopped looking at I T issues and have become very cautious and they 've basically taken stock as to where their position is .
26 are napkins that we 've been buying in antique fairs .
27 If the figures that we 've been given the recent figures , cos w I 've been working on figures for August up to August but now we 've got even better figures .
28 As long as I know that I 'm right er and say well I 'm quite willing to look at the figures that you 've been given , but these are the figures that are right but I will look at them erm and I , and I certainly would n't er confront it much more than that .
29 Erm one of the problems that we 've been facing in the past , certainly , in G P House is the amount of stuff that 's on the floor and therefore we have n't actually been able to tackle these things very effectively .
30 Increasingly , as we 've been studying the problems of developing countries , two major changes have been occurring ; one in our own thinking that in many ways problems of developing countries are linked in extricably with things that are going on in Britain or Europe or other parts of the so-called industrial world , and secondly that as we 've been studying developing countries , we 've been finding that more and more problems in Britain and other industrial countries begin to look like some of the same problems that we 've been used to in developing countries .
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