Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] [pers pn] [vb base] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Almost all the characteristics that I enumerate apply to other nations in one way or another .
2 Signs that you have gone to some trouble to find out about the firm will be very much in your favour .
3 There can , we think , be no doubt whatever that the ordinary dictionary meaning of ‘ employed ’ and ‘ employment ’ is considerably wider than that enshrined in the various authorities that we have referred to .
4 The Penal Notice contained in the N 117 for undertakings states : you may be sent to prison for contempt of court if you break the promises that you have given to the court .
5 And you know , so often you and I , we have questions that we want to bring to the Lord , if only was here in person , if only we could sit him down in the front room , how many things we would have to ask of him !
6 Er , first of all on the comment from Dave in relation to British Gas and the minimum achieved performance level or M A P L er the initials that I 've come to er know and love over the past few months , never having heard of them before .
7 Er I wonder if you will use any of the things that I 've talked to you about tonight ?
8 There are things that I have thought to myself about these .
9 We know a bit more about their massive pay increases , but not so much is known about the beautiful profits , about the wonderful conditions that they 've allocated to themselves .
10 And so therefore if anybody has amendments that they wish to make to the deliverance as it is , we will take them if necessary one by one and vote for them as they are presented to us , and then we 'll come to any other counter motions that may be on hand .
11 All business is taken , so that particular , those particular items that you 've referred to I am already seeking to schedule that business for tomorrow , but I do n't want to preempt the situation and chance my arm any further than what it is , because I could end up falling on my face and I want to try and avoid that .
12 Will he carefully consider the representations that I have sent to him on that subject ?
13 In the event my Lord , erm , that er your Lordship felt that further guidance was required , there are the two routes that I 've indicated to your Lordship briefly yesterday , there is the route of er seeking some information , if your Lordship felt it 'd be of assistance to you in resolving any doubts that you may have from the and your Lordship has seen yesterday the notice on co-operation which is in and at page eleven thirty two and is also the exhibit
14 ‘ A note has been left at the flat where they lived , advising friends that they have gone to London for a vacation .
15 So all the players that I teach have to be very strong .
16 But I can reassure members that I 've spoken to the department , and they are committed to attempt to encourage disabled applicants for jobs and taking them on .
17 In the absence of a minimum wage , many of our constituents earn such low wages that they have to resort to state benefits on top .
18 And perhaps secondly erm there is not a body of information which has been submitted to er this examination public which advises you in detail on the various issues that we think need to be addressed leading to the erm proposal occasions and I would have thought it would have been difficult for the panel to come to a a conclusion but I may be wrong on that .
19 Unlike fresh water plumbing , which is covered by the water bye-laws , the drainage system is covered by Building Regulations , which are administered by the Building Control Officer at your local authority and you must provide details of material alterations or additions that you propose to make to the drainage system of your house .
20 Let me just finish off now by illustrating what leads to the outcome and how a a of a particular infectious condition and the combination of the factors that we think lead to these outcomes .
21 The conclusions that I have come to about what is and is not important in the area of environmental scanning and business strategy are similar in many respects to those of White and Wilson , in another piece of British Library-sponsored research [ White & Wilson ( 1985 ) ] .
22 And , we 've seen through their advertising in targeting women that they 've tried to post the image if you smoke , you 're more likely to be slim and slender .
23 I think our view of the effects of numbers significantly lower than the ones that we 've put to you , is first of all that there are a number of factors which planning can not influence and will not influence .
24 Now which are the ones that you 've got to group ?
25 Yeah , I should get one that yeah page ten , it says return to your letter and essentially i it tells you all the various formatting options that you want to apply to your document to make it look neat and tidy .
26 But really we are enjoying our work here and have seen and felt the power of God , His Word and His love of His people , through the letters , tapes and cards that you have sent to us .
27 ‘ I have considered all the facts that you describe relating to the circumstances and they are substantially as in my officer 's report to me about the death .
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