Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] [verb] [adv prt] from the " in BNC.

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1 It came and went in swirling waves that rushed down from the ceiling and swallowed her up .
2 The barges used to come down the Leeds and Liverpool canal right down to Tate and Lyle 's , where they had chutes that came down from the building into the barges and the coal was sucked up because the coal was very fine ; and the poor people there — they 'd be on the other side of the canal and one would perhaps get on a barge and throw two or three pieces of coal and then scamper up .
3 The main access is via steps that drop down from the street between walls that tend to increase visual tension .
4 People who had driven him further and further into the woods that slope down from the Common towards the mam road to the south-west .
5 The cave was several hundred yards across and just as high , dimly lit by lamps that stretched down from the indistinct ceiling on impossibly long cables .
6 ‘ There do your kind fly , Slorne , soaring on the winds that rise up from the hot land , circling over their sites as they seek their prey of mammal and carrion , or chase a black-winged kite from off their food … ’
7 Beds that fold down from the wall when they are needed have lost their makeshift image and have been updated to a new smooth efficiency and now come complete with a wall of closets or wardrobes .
8 The entrance to her own flat was down one of the narrow corridors that led off from the rectangular landing , and as she stepped towards it she noticed with sudden uneasiness that one of the wall lights halfway down the corridor had gone , plunging the passageway into semi-darkness .
9 It is difficult even to name them , for I sense that they are urges and longings that spring up from the deep , like streams of water gathering in the darkness below ground before they emerge through the rock into the light of day .
10 Its nostrils are placed at the ends of two extremities that grow out from the side of its head .
11 Actually the healing is not usually in the wings it 's in the hands that come out from the sun and the healing is the of Ancient Egypt which meant life , spirit and er and health .
12 Eight-inch ( 20 cm ) flying lizards that live in the forests of Sumatra , Java and Borneo can make glides of up to 66 ft ( 20 m ) on membranes supported by elongated ribs that spread out from the body in flight .
13 The smells that came down from the higher ground might tell him something .
14 The first such coins were made from electrum from the rivers that flowed down from the Troilus Mountains , but advantage was soon taken of the different status in the traditional value system of the gold and silver components to separate them and use them for different denominations .
15 In the gloom and dust inside , there were fluted columns and small , implacable stone faces with crowns that glared down from the upper walls .
16 She bounded upstairs , her bare feet silent on the cast-iron staircase , and pushed open one of the three identical wooden doors that led off from the galleried landing .
17 And some spare copies of the photographs that came out from the DTI this afternoon — we ran off dozens to send out to the regional forces , but I snaffled six . ’
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