Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [noun pl] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There are sporadic attempts to rehabilitate surfers and integrate them into society , but it never sticks : they belong on the margins , in another dimension where things are unreal , where outrageous and insane are terms of approbation , and all non-surfing humans are ridiculed as hodads .
2 Mr Reynolds often looked tired and anxious during the days preceding his operation and it was important that the ward nurses gave him opportunities to ask questions and express his fears and also ensured that he had time to rest .
3 It 's a chance to learn the skills of the game with qualified Rugby Union coaches to lead sessions and ensure everyone 's safety and enjoyment . ’
4 These trends are perhaps not surprising but it should be noted that the result will be for schools in disadvantaged areas to lose pupils and to increase their unit costs per pupil .
5 Leaving aside our personal addiction , we have acknowledged ( as parents ) the convenience it represents as an electronic nanny ; also the entertainment it provides ( leaving precious time for parents to do chores and entertain themselves ) .
6 Retailers are always on the look out for ideas to attract customers and encourage them to buy more .
7 There is a focus upon natural families , and in particular poor natural families , whose ties are threatened by the powers of courts and social workers to remove children and keep them away from their parents , perhaps permanently .
8 Big small disk drive maker Conner Peripherals Inc , San Jose warns that continued weakness in demand and price declines for its disk drives , and a shortfall in orders from its European distributor will hurt its first quarter results and that the expected lower sales will cause earnings per share to fall below analysts ' expectations : it says it is evaluating restructuring alternatives to reduce costs and that any restructuring action could result in additional charges to the quarter ; chief executive Finis Conner said the disk drive market is affected by price competition and excess capacity in the industry , which has caused customers to defer buys and reduce their lead times .
9 The Youngs managed to get replacement traveller 's cheques to buy clothes and continued their fly-drive holiday .
10 In other UDC areas local authorities and UDC Boards are working together to ensure that there is some balance to redevelopment , and officials are making great efforts to reassure residents and distance themselves from the LDDC experience .
11 Lotus Script , the next generation programming toolkit for spreadsheet users it also has features to edit scripts and attach them to the menu , buttons , or presentation objects , such as bars in charts Lotus Dialog Editor for creating custom user interfaces to Lotus Script programs and Application Programming Interface ( API ) toolkit support in every package Improv also features calls to external programs ; build and include personal custom functions .
12 However , having started back at the club it has become apparent that the club has no intention of coaching last season 's players to highlight weaknesses and prepare them for the higher level of rugby .
13 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that rule 21 of the Family Proceedings ( Children Act 1989 ) Rules 1991 required justices to give reasons and state their findings of fact on making orders under the Children Act 1989 ; that where a party appealed their order , justices could not remedy their failure to comply with rule 21 by supplying to the appellate court a more detailed statement of reasons and findings of fact ; and that , accordingly , the appellate court could only consider the reasons given by the justices at the time of the decision ( post , p. 527A–C , E–G ) .
14 The instructor is advised to encourage the trainees to generate others and to submit them to group discussion .
15 ( 3 ) Design activities which relate to the attainment targets and enable the pupils to ask questions and communicate their understanding in a variety of ways .
16 Put simply , the Urban Studies Centre seeks to equip students to understand children and to sharpen their insight .
17 Establish some short-term projects to make improvements and get your people involved .
18 An understandable desire on the part of model proprietors to produce forecasts and assess their accuracy as quickly as possible leads to a situation in which relationships are estimated on one vintage of data but assessed on another .
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